I went to my rheumy yesterday and was supposed to be at 5mg. I am just beginning the taper for 7.5mg. Needless to say she was not happy. She had to push the issue because; "my GP doesn't like it that I am still on the pred." I thought that was curious because the only reason he even got involved was because she put a note in my records that she was not happy. I asked her if being on a moderate dose and with pretty much all the pred related issues were resolved or resolving was really that bad. She said yes and kind of got red in the face, clearly looking like she was about to blow up but maintained her prowess and continued to push getting down to a lower dose. Anyway, I told her that I was still feeling achy and that I am and will be going through some pretty big stress factors so I would like to stay where I am at for a bit because of it. She approved when she found out what the stress was and extended my next appt from 3 months to 4. Then she asked if I could taper any faster, like every 4 weeks. I told her it was closer to 6 weeks. I told her I was having some back pain from sitting at my computer typing too long. Too long is like 45 to an hour. She suggested I try ibuprofen or Tylenol a couple times a day. Then she offered to put in for physical therapy and asked which areas would I like to work on. I said neck, shoulders, lower back and hips were the main areas. She put it in right away and yesterday afternoon I got a call from PT to schedule it. Of course they are a month out but I thought that was pretty quick response. She also said, which I thought was the amazing part, that she wasn't going to push it to get off the pred after 5 mg because some patients just can't. Sometimes they have to stay on a low dose. :0 I also had an ESR test result of 7 down from 14. She hadn't done any other tests because with the CRP test, the labs in our town don't do the ones they need. There were some other tests that hadn't been run on my blood RDW, RBC, CDW, etc. that were quite high both times but I had an abcess tooth that is now resolved with a few courses of antibiotics and I thought maybe that should be checked and I also asked to check for anemia. She said that was a good idea. Sooooo,
My question: I've been waking up with very minimal soreness or stiffness, unless I over do it, but I seem to get achy as the day wears on, along with overwhelming fatigue. I have been achy in all the usual PMR places, with the added back pain and quick exhaustion. Some days it seems as if my legs weigh a ton but if I "push" through it, I'm ok. I had gotten my walking up to 2 miles but between, rain, ozone action days and the Canadian wild fires, I haven't been able to get out to walk much lately. I've also lost some weight! 5 lbs since my last appt, 12 lbs overall. I feel like I've reached a plateau in energy levels. Some days I barely have enough to do anything at all and I have to choose between exercise or housework, one chore in one session. I'm napping more than I used to. I'm wondering if it could be that my adrenals are beginning to give me some issues or am I tapering too fast? Or is it the stress of the situation? Any advice or suggestions is most welcome.