In April I was having primarily buttock and thigh pain and stiffness, plus a little shoulder pain and stiffness. At that point the pain sometimes made it hard to turn over in bed. I was put on 15mg of prednisolone and the pain went within a couple of days, although my inflammatory markers were normal. Hip x-rays (I have had two hip replacements) were normal.
My rheumatologist put me on azathioprine and I have been reducing my steroids by half to one mg every fortnight. I', currently on 9.5mg. However, I find that the pain recurs even on 12.5mg. I'd really like to go back on 15mg - or even slightly higher, to see if the pain eases, and then start slow reduction again. Although I'm not having pain in bed now, I'm having very severe pain in my buttocks and thighs when walking or sitting. Presumably if it doesn't respond to the higher dosage they will query the diagnosis. Unfortunately I'm one of those awkward patients who gets almost no relief from even narcotic analgesics. I am wondering if a referral to the pain clinic - which I have already been under for back problems - might help.