I just started to taper from 5 mg to 4.5 mg, taking my first 4.5 mg dose this past Monday, using the DSNS tapering plan. Besides being very tired the last two days, I have had no other symptoms as of yet. (A bit of background - started getting pain in early Jan 2021, was diagnosed with PMR late May 2021 and was put on 40 mg of Prednisone, with the pain being relieved within hours, with the exception of my upper arms, which took a few days to go away).
Back in early January when I started my taper from 6 to 5.5 mg, I had a day and a half of nausea and dizziness which I took to be my adrenal glands waking up. I also had some niggles in my neck, which is where I always get the first indication of either a flare or steroid withdrawal. I took some Tylenol and it went away, so put the niggles down to steroid withdrawal.
When I had a 5 min phone appointment with my Rheumy in February, I mentioned to them what I wrote above. They agreed with the adrenal glands having to start working, but said that at that low level of Prednisone, I won’t get steroid withdrawal! A year ago, they were accusing me of being addicted to Prednisone, that it was like Cocaine for me...sheesh.
Besides being exhausted often (I’m making sure to rest and nap when I need to), I haven’t had any more nausea or dizziness since the taper from 6 to 5.5 mg in early January. But of course, I will keep an eye out for these symptoms and will make sure to refrain from as much stress as possible and be sure not to overexert myself.
Anyway, I wanted to share what the Rheumy said about not having steroid withdrawal at 5.5 mg or lower. I just can’t believe this to be true.