Three weeks ago, I wrote about having nausea and dizziness at the beginning of my taper from 6 mg to 5.5 mg. I had just taken 5.5 mg for the first time on the Wednesday and on Saturday, was very nauseous and dizzy, with a sore neck later in the day. Both the dizziness and nausea went away within a day, and I took Tylenol and the sore neck also disappeared.
It is now 3 weeks later and I've been feeling fine until yesterday (Using the DSNS tapering plan, I took 5.5 mg yesterday and today, back to 6 mg tomorrow, and then 5.5 mg for three days, etc.). I woke up with a sore neck, which is always where I feel PMR symptoms first. I also felt a bit nauseous, but not like 3 week ago. I was not dizzy and just ate bland food for the day, with the nausea going away quickly. I took my Prednisone at 7.30 am before my morning walk and also took a Tylenol, and the neck pain was gone 3 hours later.
This morning, the neck pain was there again. I decided not to take a Tylenol and just took the Prednisone. Three hours later, no neck pain.
At the beginning of this taper, I believe the neck pain was from steroid withdrawal as the pain started several hours after I took the Prednisone, and of course, it was at the very beginning of the taper. Over three weeks into this taper, could it still be steroid withdrawal? I don't think it is as the pain went away within three hours of taking Prednisone, regardless of taking Tylenol. Perhaps I'm at the level that is needed to mop up the inflammation? I was hoping to start a taper to 5 mg in mid to late February, but I'm thinking that I might need to stay at 5.5 mg for a while longer. Would do you all think?
So grateful for this amazing group!