I have had PMR for five years and have tried to come down on the steroids with methotrexate but that didn't suit me so now I am trying Leflunomide. I am currently on a dose of 12mg of Prednisolone and my rheumy said that I have to get a lot lower than that. I have only been on 20mg Leflunomide for 10 days but yesterday which was the ninth day both my eyes were swollen. It is my eyelids and underneath the eye. I am waiting for a call back from my doctor but in the meantime I just wondered if any of you good people have any suggestions. I hope that I am not allergic to the tablet as I have had no other side affects.

Do you have dry eyes? It seems to go hand in hand with our conditions. I use Theoloz Duo eye drops ,on prescription for it and a little marble roller for the bagginess. I would give the steroid sparer longer but wouldn’t put up with much more.

Is it just your eyes? It is a warning for leflunomide - any facial swelling should be reported.
I have found it very hard to get below 10 mg. Of prednisone without flaring..I refused the methotrexate after trying it for 3 months and feeling absolutely terrible.. I have had to increase my prednisone to 15 mg. again to get it under control…this time I am taking 5 mg. Every 8 hours against my rhumy advice…I’m feeling better than I have in over a year with no side effects …great success wished to you
Thank you everybody. My doctor has rang me and suggested I go for a check at the opticians for MECS (Minor eye conditions). Apparently it is free and on the NHS but as I can't get an appointment for quite a while I think I will see how things go. My eyes have both gone down now and are more or less back to normal. Perhaps I was panicking a bit too quickly. Once again thank you for your help.
Not MECS - UES would be better being as it is URGENT eye services
And emphasise it is swollen eyes ...
However, if it appears again - don't hesitate. Are you continuing to take the leflunomide?
Hi - MECS are suppose to see you within 48hours max or at least they did precovid!
How often to you take Leflunomide? Did it happen after you took it or sometime later.
There is a section on MECS in FAQ’s both myself & my husband have used it.
Any swelling should always be taken seriously as the next time you are exposed to the allergen it could be more serious.