Hi. I have seeing an endocrinologist for about 4 years who is trying to wean me off steroids. She switched me to hydrocortisone a while ago from Prednisolone and until a few days ago I was down to taking 5mg morning and 5mg evening. As my last syncathen test finally showed an improvement in my adrenal glands she has now asked me to drop to 5mg just in the morning and I then have to have another cortisol blood test after six weeks on this dose. I started this last Saturday. My question is that since about Tuesday I have been having stomach problems, such as acid,, nausea, churning and gassiness. Also keep getting headaches and feeling very tired. As I have IBS and a hiatus hernia I do have stomach problems on and off but wondered if the steroid reduction could also cause this? I expected to feel some effects such as the tiredness but wasn’t sure if the stomach issues could also be down to this? I don’t recall having these symptoms when I have reduced before. Thank you for listening x
Adrenal fatigue symptoms?: Hi. I have seeing an... - PMRGCAuk
Adrenal fatigue symptoms?

Can all be symptoms-have a look at this link - and as you have reduced your daily dose by half no real surprise-
This is enormously helpful revision to me. It exactly describes how I am feeling, with the emphasis on the abdominal pain, nausea and diarrhoea, fatigue and aches and pains. I feel as if the autoimmune diseases are in remission and I am left with this - as dramatic as the menopause, if not worse.No pathology is found following colonoscopy and capsule investigations. I wonder if Graves’ disease has caused a double whammy?
Thanks DL, your files are a wondrous thing.
Graves Disease may well be contributing along with all the other things that are causing/have caused you problems over the years... more like a quadruple whammy than a double 🤦♀️
As for menopause, you were younger and generally fitter then, so looking back probably easier to deal with even though it maty not have seemed so at the time...
Take care..🌸

Seems a steep drop, halving the dose. There won't be many here on just HC on the final stretches so not sure you will get many experiences.
If it were me I'd go back to the 2x5mg and see if it improves. It might be the change in dose or it might be coincidence, especially since you have IBS. And I;d also try cutting a tablet to go via 7.5mg on the way down.
Thank you. Will see how I am over the next couple of days. Stomach not quite as bad today but tired with a bad headache. If I am still not feeling good after the weekend I will do as you suggest and will contact my endocrinologist to let her know.
Hello again. Further to my earlier reply I’ve decided to go back to my previous dose today as I’ve been feeling gradually worse all day. The worst symptoms are extreme fatigue, which is almost as bad as when I was first diagnosed with pmr, and a headache which won’t go. Still some tummy issues, including no appetite, but the IBS would not explain the other symptoms so I can only assume the drop in my hydrocortisone is too much for me to handle all at once. Will try to contact my endocrinologist next week for advice and hope she can agree a more gradual reduction. I hope I’m doing the right thing. Thanks for the replies. This is a great site with some very knowledgable people.
If you continue to feel unwell, do seek medical help, 999 if necessary. There is always the possibilty she has tipped you close to an adrenal crisis.
Thank you, yes I will. Are there any symptoms in particular I should look out for? I have taken my second 5mg dose today now so, hopefully, will soon be back on track. Will have another early night and try to get plenty of rest. Isn’t it scary how much and how quickly a reduction in steroids can affect your body?
It is yes. Generally feeling unwell, confusion in particular. Are you on your own at home?
Yes I am. Sadly, I am a widow.
Me too - and I do feel very vulnerable when I'm unwell. Have you family or a neighbour who could check on you?
Yes. My friend and neighbour knows I am unwell and why. I was supposed to be at hers this evening with some other people for a social evening but have had to tell her I don’t feel well enough to go. She will keep an eye on me. I do have family but they live about an hour away. I also have other close neighbours who are good friends and I can always call on them for help if I need to. I am really lucky in where I live to have such good neighbours. It’s not the same as having my lovely husband here but I have to be grateful for what I have. Thank you again for all your advice xx
Thank you. I will look into it.
Hi, your post has aspects that are familiar ... before PMR I had ulcerative colitis with fairly common bouts of bad symptoms, since being on pred these have vanished. So it seems to me the steroids keep it at bay. I am on 10.5mg, and it has been a real struggle to get down to, and past, here. I do .5mg reductions on a long slow taper.
Good luck.