Hello, I wrote a post last week when I got a major GCA headache and felt incredibly weak and was having difficulty talking, finding words. I increased my prednisone from 9mg to 15mg three days ago but still feel very weak, fatigued, and major brain fog. Someone on here used the term "walking with someone else's legs" which is what I also feel like. Legs feel very heavy and uncoordinated. I'm wondering if I am experiencing adrenal insufficiency.
I went to my general practitioner and also contacted my Rheumy. I asked the Rheumy if she could test for adrenal insufficiency and she mentioned the ACTH stim test, so I asked her if she could order one for me and she said no, I have to have my general practitioner do that and that she's never ordered one before. What type of doctor usually helps us with adrenals? Do I need an Endocrinologist for that? It's hard managing our health while we feel so weak.
What should I do in the meantime until I can get answers? I would love any insight. Thank you so much. You all know more than the doctors do.