I’m lucky enough to be prescription drug free and sparingly use a mixture of otc pain killers and gels when I need a break from pain.
My Dad and my Step Dad both died aged 86 on December 29th last year. There’s been lots to sort out and two distressed widows to support as well as my own grief.
My ex husband (divorced 1993) died last Friday and my adult sons are devastated and I’m riddled with guilt as he never recovered after I left.
I’ve been very anxious and these losses have brought back the pain of losing my younger brother in tragic circumstances 7 years ago and I have a feeling of doom.
For the last two weeks I’ve had a terrible headache, very bad sore throat, nausea, fatigue and a bit of a dodgy tummy, sore red eyes and I’ve lost weight too. Neck and shoulder pain always present which I’ve always assumed was RHEUMATOID. In the last few days awful heartburn has appeared making me wonder if stress has started something . I never take more than two doses of paracetamol or Paramol in a day so well below the limit and don’t think it is those that could have caused this. I eat sensibility, don’t smoke and at age 60 and weight of now 9 stone ( two weeks ago 9 stone 6 pounds) don’t think I’m much over weight. I even swim twice a week usually and walk often. Rennie are not helping so I’ll try Gaviscon next then Nexium (starting cheap as not working).
So I’m seeking your thoughts, am I depressed, stressed or just flakey or could this be a case of gastro-oesophageal reflux disease? All thoughts welcome which I can read while on hold to GP again tomorrow morning trying to get an appointment.
PS: I’m too scared to take anything for my head ache in case it is paracetamol etc that’s aggravating it.