Hi everyone, in my last post I told you I was about to have an echocardiogram where they put a camera down your throat to get better pictures of the heart. That went fine except for very sore throat for about a week. Unfortunately they found multiple problems, all of which have appeared in the last year (since being diagnosed with GCA although this may be a coincidence as the cardiologist has no idea why this has happened). The next step is a cardiac catheterization and I am wondering if anyone has had this and whether I should increase prednisone ahead of time (I am down to 7.5 mg). The preferred way to address the problem with my mitral valve is to do heart surgery but this does not seem a good option for me given my MS, GCA and fibromuscular dysplasia. There is a procedure where they can put a clip on the valve but we are not sure if this is possible or advisable so looking into that. Anyway I would be grateful to know if anyone has had the heart cath and how it went. I know that several people have problems with Afib which is a possibility for me (although haven’t had it yet). So I wonder if this whole heart thing is result of GCA? Thanks for advice.
Has anyone had cardiac catheterization or heart s... - PMRGCAuk
Has anyone had cardiac catheterization or heart surgery with GCA or PMR?

My a/fib is considered due to the autoimmune part of PMR having damaged the sinus node. I'm sort of hoping for a catheter ablation and there are a few people on the forum who have had that. I have had a pacemaker inserted while on pred and that was fine - not quite the same but they insert the wires to the heart through a vein.
No relevant experience but wishing you well for your procedure. 🌷
I had a cardiac catheter ablation for atrial flutter just over 3 years ago. It took care of the problem. I know that I may possibly develop A-Fib , but so far so good. I had the procedure under general anaesthetic ( sedation is also an option , but frankly I didn't want to know ! ) . At the time I was taking 7mg of prednisone and the anaesthetist was aware. No problems.
I have had an aortic valve replacement with no problem
Glad to hear you had no problems. I had GCA and on pred for 3 yrs and off since 2017 but during that time I developed an Ascending aortic aneurysm. Latest ct-scan measures 4.9. Surgeon recommends surgery but says I can wait till next scan for measurements. If you don't mind me asking what was the size of yours and was it Ascending? From what I understand once it measures in the 5.0+ it's time for surgery. Thx you, Bert
Ask your doctor about stopping the prednisone for the test. I had rotator cuff surgery and my doctor had me taper off the prednisone and stop taking 81 mg aspirin util after the surgery. I had no issues with cutting back on either. All doctors have different ideas so, go to the source. Good luck. Mr prayers are with you.
How long for? At a low dose you would normally be looking at adrenal insufficiency cover during the procedure - stopping pred like that is risking an adrenal crisis.