I went to Kings College hospital last week for a long delayed appointment with a Rheumy.
To be told straightaway that I don't have PMR/GCA and that I should come off Pred ASAP (because of the horrific side effects.) Inflammation markers don't support the diagnosis, no PET or CT scan done, that there are several conditions that mimic PMR, that as long as I am on Pred they cannot make a definitive diagnosis.
Also, the black patches in my left eye in late 2021 could not have been GCA because it was resolved by increasing the dosage to 50mg Pred, and I would have suffered permanent damage. The minimum dosage for GCA is 60 mg, nothing less would have helped. I was also much too young because my symptoms started when I was 43 and diagnosed by a GP at 50.
I was instructed that if i have any symptoms/crash again, I must not increase my Pred but take myself in to the GP or hospital to get bloods done first.
i tried explaining that afaik 1/5 cases don't show inflammation, that the disease doesn't follow a textbook course, people don't recover in 2 years, etc. But no,
While i have no problem coming off Pred (now at 8 mg, reducing by .5mg every month), NOTHING i was ever prescribed before Pred ever worked. Not Tramadol, not Amitriptyline, not Pregabalin.... I haven't had any GCA symptoms for a year now. I feel I'm on the mend. So in my mind this is now an academic question. What was it then?
The Rheumy who saw me on Thursday saw a very different person to the one my GPs have seen for a decade. I had showered, dressed for the cold, travelled from Lincoln to London, walked, pushed doors open, held a conversation and argued my point of view. My GPs on the other hand had to pick me up off the floor, i was pathetic, suffering unexplained aches/pain and awful fatigue. And after years of eliminating various conditions, they prescribed Pred - and then boom, i felt better.
The first Rheumy I saw in Lewisham thought I had PMR/GCA but also wanted it investigated further, and wanted to check for MS as well. Since then three Rheumies don't think I have PMR. my attitude is - it's the Rheumy's job to figure out what this is, not mine. The Pred worked - for whatever reason. I haven't had the GCA headache and jaw pain for a year at least I think. I am tapering down. I am happy to keep an open mind - it's all academic. All very interesting.