PMR diagnosed 2017. My CRP — which always aligned with my PMR pain— has been normal for over a year now. I’m on 2mg prednisone.
— To see whether I may be in actual PMR remission, I started a slow 7-week reduction to 1.5 mg pred (from 2mg) three weeks ago. I see my endocrinologist soon and will ask for the basic cortisol test to check my adrenals.
— My left hip osteoarthritis progressed to bone on bone and the X-ray confirming this was December 2022.
— Pain below my butt on both sides started October 2022. The sensation is like really tight muscles. It makes stairs difficult. Driving the car is uncomfortable. Getting up after sitting hurts. This reminds me of my early days of PMR but I’ve tested a single 200mg ibuprofen a few times along with mild stretching and it reduces the pain. And ibuprofen of course never helped my PMR pain.
The pains below my butt are worse than, and restrict my movement more than the hip joint pain. I asked my rheumatologist about it and she essentially said who knows. Could be PMR. Could be from the osteoarthritis. No other advice except try a yoga child pose …
I know many of you lovely people not only have PMR but also osteoarthritis and other pain syndromes. Any ideas of what this could be and what would help? Also, I’ve never used the word butt so many times in a post 🤣