My current dose of Pred is 2.5mg, taken between 9 and 10am each morning. (I wrote previously about feeling dizzy when I tried to reduce to 2mg.)
I’ve had the bicep pain since reducing below 5mg, if my memory is correct, and the pain (alway the right side - left is ok) sort of indicates adrenal insufficiency to me. I can control the pain with Paracetamol and sleep, and when I awake in the morning ( usually 8am ish) the bicep pain has gone. Another indicator to me that the adrenals are functional, but not 100%.
I spoke with a locum Dr yesterday, she told me to stick at 2.5mg, especially when I informed her that we’re moving in 2 weeks time due to house move (stressful).
The surprising thing coming from her, she said “I don’t think you’ll ever get off steroids, and even 1mg may be insufficient and you could end up with a flare”. Wow! She wouldn’t authorise a basal cortisol test, but did agree to CRP & ESR, plus full blood count.
When I get established in our new home and surgery I may ask for re-referral to Rheumatology.