I am in the U.S. and have a telehealth meeting with my rheumatologist on Thursday. It will be the second meeting since seeing her in person Oct. 4, getting my blood tested and her diagnosing PMR after seeing the tests. She put me on 15 mg Prednisone daily.
The history she took on that first meeting was thorough. She seemed open and interested in what I had to say and I felt better on the Pred.
I proceeded to go downhill in December after a vaccine booster and being reduced to 10 mg Pred. She said I was fine because new blood tests did not show marker problems. I pointed out that I obviously had PMR before it showed in the markers because of blood tests when my regular doctor tried to figure out my problem (chronic fatigue, aches and pains). The Rheum increased Pred back to 15 mg
I now have what seems to me indications of Giant Cell Arteritis. Dull headaches (not pounding migraines) that seem to move around: temples, sides of head, base of skull. More fatigue. Tenderness of scalp at times. Unexplained weight loss (11 pounds in six week, but now with effort, I've put half back on). Swollen veins on either temple (in the summer for three days).
As a result of my concern, she tested me again last week. It showed CPR at <0.1 mg/L and Sedimentation rate at 24. She said those were "normal" so it was "very unlikely" I had GCA. But, I want to feel more certain that I don't have GCA.
Any suggestions on what to ask or say to her are greatly appreciated. If I am over-worried, tell me that, too. Thanks for any help.