I have eaten moderately and drank hardly any alcohol over Christmas but I have suddenly developed a rash on my face with lumps - very hot. What can it be? I hope it’s not another autoimmune disease. I haven’t used any new products. I feel a bit viral and have had close contact with small children. I am Covid negative. No rash anywhere else. Any ideas all you mums and grannies, medics etc.?
Sudden hot pink rash on my cheeks.: I have eaten... - PMRGCAuk
Sudden hot pink rash on my cheeks.

Hi SJ, I was only thinking about you today and wondering how you are. No idea about your rash - is it all over your face? When you say lumps do you mea small blisters?
Cloud or be an allergic reaction to
something? x
…. could it beI hate predictive text!
You can edit. I fix typos all the time. Just click on the "More" option you see after you've posted your reply and then notice something you want to change.
Hopefully not a new TCZ side effect. Sooo, you've been consorting with young children have you? The Australian fam?
It seems to fit something called slapped cheek disease - give me strength!As long as it isn’t Lupus. Yes grandchildren from Australia.
It could be an allergy I suppose, Songbird69. I feel a bit ill though and definitely have no resistance. Thanks. I had just looked in the mirror. 😱
Slapped cheek disease sounds funny, but I looked it up and it really isn't. It's a manifestation of "fifth disease" which is usually considered a childhood disease although people of any age can get it, caused by parvovirus. As you have a weakened immune system you need to look after yourself as you may need medical treatment. Hopefully it isn't this.
Yes, it’s dangerous for people with compromised immunity. I am dreading confronting my fractured GP service with this possibility. My 4 year old grandson was unwell when he arrived.
Unwell with what?
Think you need to get it checked out with GP, no matter how difficult.
Please let us know how it goes.🌸
Just vague cold symptoms, aches and pains, and this rash. My 30 something daughter and son in law, understandably, I suppose, cannot resist seeing friends, all vaccinated - all daily tested and outside in garden gazebos with heaters and masks. Or walks on the Peaks .My son in law is a GP. It has to be said, there is a different attitude coming from an Australian resort with a handful of cases. Everyone has vulnerable relatives of our generation. The other grandad has kidney failure. Dismay, is not the word. I have been babysitting and seem to be the first to fall over. Supposed to be visiting Chatsworth Grounds and gardens today. This is hard in a way I never anticipated.
Oh dear - think everyone is/was desperate to see families this Christmas- knowing what’s likely to happen afterwards. Chatsworth is beautiful, but maybe not a good idea - for you anyway.I spent 5 days with son & family - and still felt a bit wiped out when I got home!.. and I’m free of GCA etc..but think it was just the change of circumstances.,,lovely but tiring.,,
"Walking germ factories" - another definition of "4 year old"
I was about to suggest slapped cheek ... Sounds awful doesn't it
And as a warning:
"Adults who are infected will usually have more severe flu-like symptoms but may not develop the characteristic “slapped-cheek” rash. However, as many as 78 percent of adults who experience symptoms will develop joint pain and swelling one to three weeks following the initial infection."
- just in case you think you are flaring or developing yet another something in a few weeks ...
As an old paediatric nurse slapped cheek disease was my first thought but apparently adults don't usually get the rash on their face. My other thought was shingles, or you can get it from a strep infection (like scarlet fever). But the most likely is contact dermatitis. Did you stay overnight or use their towels that could have been washed in a different Detergent?
No they are staying with me. I am wracking my brains for something that might have triggered this. It’s not painful, just hot, but I feel unwell with cold symptoms. Thanks for everybody’s thoughts. I’d better get some sleep. I gave everybody their own towels and change hand towels daily.
Sounds like Fifth Disease....I worked pediatrics. Here is some information if you are interested: cdc.gov/parvovirusb19/fifth...
Sorry to hear this SJ. My granddaughter had slapped cheek syndrome just after her brother had hand foot and mouth lurgy. Luckily I avoided both although I was looking after them. Strangely enough about 14 years ago my older grandson shared scarlet fever with me 🙄 Hope it doesn't make you too unwell. You must be so pleased to see your family again
It doesn’t have to be a disaster, I keep telling myself. I am concerned about Pred and Tocilizumab being a double whammy to my immunity though. I was already battling cystitis and lower abdomen pain - no appetite. I am the only one who will come out of Christmas thinner. Yay! Not.
oh so so sorry. It does sound like Fifth disease. has he been diagnosed. Take good good care of yourself. You will be well!!!! a dumb virus. but it will pass.!!! sending huge huge healing. How rotten just when you got your babies with you!!!! oxoxo
Oh Jane, they didn't smuggle any grevilleas, callistamons or acacias in by any chance? Australian natives can be highly toxic, I break out if I just brush past one. Fresh figs have a white sap that will do the same. It does sound horrid, I hope it's subsided by the time you awaken. Xx
Oh LemonZest11 you make me laugh, no I think not. My eldest daughter was swimming in the Coffs Harbour swimming pool with only a net separating them from the sea and a small bull shark appeared there the other day. You are a hardy lot. 🙃
We are indeed!!! Just endured a 43C Christmas, backed up with 44, 42, 41, 40, 39 degree days!!!🥵 Not sure how that translates to fahrenheit, but I think you'll get my drift. I call my son's family "The Durrells", you'll know the novel that series is based on, Gerald Durrell's "My Family and Other Animals", they're always dealing with snakes, rats and spiders!! All jokes aside, I broke out in rash on my legs and arms after doing a bit of pruning this afternoon. We are, indeed, intrepid ... I'll be watching out for 🦈 when I meet my other son and family for breakfast at the beach tomorrow morning, haha!! Seriously Jane, I hope you're ok. Happy New Year to you and yours 😘 I hope 2022 is better. Xx
Jane, so sorry to hear this. I hope you feel better soon. ❤
Oh Dad2cue! I hope your family make a good recovery. Something is protecting you. I have my little bag of Lateral Flow Tests and each time I do one I feel that it will be positive. Stay well!
I hope you managed to get some sleep, SJ, and that you are able to access a GP today.
Thank you! Still trying.
Sorry to hear your news Jane - you certainly seem to have been going through the mill recently.Let’s hope 2022 brings better times for you.
Just got this notification.
Are you using enteric coated pred? If so try washing the dye off, does not affect the contents and it could be the E number is causing the problem.
Has the manufacturer changed with your last prescription? Sometimes this can also cause the problem - worth checking?
Were you cooking a lot? Perhaps too many blasts of hot oven air in the face? That makes my face red and irritated but so does sunshine or wind.
Hi SJ, glad you have your family with you. John and I always went walking in the Peak District at this time. Happy times for you all but so draining. I had something similar fifty odd years ago. It was thought to be from the chrysanthemums I had been given. So check plants which are new to your house. Primula can also cause problems.
Wishing you happiness for the New Year. Jen
Could it be Rosacea? Google images and see if it's similar?????
Thank you. I wondered that. It’s very soft and looks less than last night.
With a long weekend coming up think you should see your GP. Have you been to the park with the grandchildren - the cold wintry winds can make cheeks go very red and uncomfortable - particularly if you’ve been hibernating recently. 🌺
We played hide and seek in the large Victorian Cemetery, in the rain a few days ago. It hasn’t been very cold though, has it? HNY!
Probably not but I’m still acclimatising - affects my skin as had acne rosacea many years ago and still quite sensitive. Hope you get some treatment that works. Best Wishes for 2022. 🌺
Oh and you Telian! Who thought we’d still be here?
It's because we are 'fighters' (sometimes weak ones) but do our best to stay alive.
I was diagnosed with rosacea by my GP & some cream applied for about a month soon cleared it up & it hasn’t returned.

That’s good to know. I thought you got stuck with it.
So sorry this rash had popped out of nowhere on you and hope it disappears as quickly SheffieldJane.
Given the other symptoms you might want to take a covid test. Various types of rash are now being associated with the disease, as reveled in this ZOE article.
Hi Jane, I'm a bit late to this, but someone posted about a rash being a new symptom of omnicrom. Hopefully it's not that for you. Let us know when you get to see doctor.
Hi Jane - just popped in to the Forum - so sorry to hear about this - hope it isn’t anything serious 🙏🏼 You were so looking forward to seeing them all again. Take Care
Angela xx
Thanks Angela! The paternal grandad has taken properly ill ( kidney failure, in hospital yesterday) so nobody getting the Christmas they hoped for. I am glad they are here - especially for him. I hope you and yours are doing well. Especially you now - it has been so challenging for you - I know. 💖
Sorry to hear you’re not feeling well. Just when you think everything’s going ok something else comes along to knock you off your perch. Since being diagnosed with PMR I worry about everything. Like others have said a rash can be a symptom of Omicron so if I were you I’d be doing a daily LFT (if you can get hold of them!). Fingers crossed that it’s nothing too serious, take care😘