A beautiful language to be sure...but every time I open HU, it is in Portuguese and I have to translate? Anyone else....or is it something I've done? Wouldn't that be a surprise? 😩😖😜
Help~! HU is in Portugese~~: A beautiful language... - PMRGCAuk
Help~! HU is in Portugese~~

Hi GrammyGo into settings - you must have selected Portuguese by mistake 😉
MrsNails profile imageMrsNails
há 5 minutos
Hi GrammyGo into settings - you must have selected Portuguese by mistake 😉
Thanks, Mrs. Nailso, I've been there and it wasn't checked....but I'll be heading back and if I cannot correct it....I'll be getting in touch with one of those young folks....who take care of these things blindfolded. 😎💖
PS....HU is the ONLY webpage that seems affected. As you can see, it picks and chooses...some of the information...
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You have gone into the settings for HU I assume? Not your computer settings. You will find it under "More". Options are English, Spanish, Portuguese!
👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻Thanks so much, I had not gone into HU settings. Didn't even know about them. That solved the issue~! and explained why no other sites were affected. I shall have pleasant dreams...thank you again.💖 You tool .
Odd that it seemed to change all by itself though, isn't it? I was not aware of the language options until now myself. Funny, the Canadian in me came out as I initially thought - where is the French?!
Parle Vous Portuguese?🤭🤭
One of the languages I play around at learning on Duolingo is Portuguese. i am not good at languages, certainly not at speaking, but I do like to learn, and at the moment I have French, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese on the go. I like it, because of the similarities and the differences, and sometimes I get them muddled! I have tried a couple of others, Swahili and Polish, and abandoned them both very quickly. Hebrew was a non-starter because they did not teach the script. I was put on to this by a friend who was teaching herself Esperanto. That's how I started, but in a few weeks decided it would be more productive to learn a language which is actually used, and switched over to Spanish. Nao falo portugues. (Sorry, don't know how to find the accents on my keyboard.)
You can try logging off & back in again - always a good start in my book! What a performance, eh?
Good Night - heading to bed now xx
Wish that worked with our afflictions too 🟥 press to reboot 🤣
Meu Deus! 💖
Done playing with this, sleep tight. Sometimes it is English, sometimes not....tomorrow is another day....💖 10-4
Mine is in Spanish, don’t know how it happened,
I sure don't know how mine happened either, but I followed Heron's advice, and it worked. When you open HU in the upper right corner by your avatar, you will see MORE. Click on that and open settings. When you scroll down, you will see a choice of languages....somehow, my English was not selected. I selected it and restarted my computer. Voila! Oh, I think that is French....let's not complicate things. Good Luck! 💖
Viva! Grammy80 how very odd.
Yes, who knew~! I'd never even opened the settings before....I almost put in British English but it wasn't an option.💖 I figured I could brush up on the King's English.
😂 quite so
Bri'ish Inglish! Cor blimey mate! Sorry it all went to pot. No wonder you were miffed. Pleased it's all tickety boo now. Ave a cuppa and put your plates of meat up.
See ya. 😉
😂😂 Are you a cockney?
I’m trying to change mine to The Kings English….. how times have changed, and not all for the better….Yours sincerely

Now MY sites switched to cockney!😄

Good, innit?


HU has some overnight naughty fairies🧚♀️🧚🧚♂️ at time….a couple of weeks ago it altered one of my notifications settings…….wasn’t me guv, honest!
So if anything goes wrong, check your settings first…..
Hasta la vista, baby

I have google set for English - and it repeatedly appears in Italian. I check the setting (as they tell me to) and it is STILL set for English. I click on it again and save the settings and off we go for another few weeks.
Technology is great - until it isn't ...
Same in Germany! Too often. Last week it was 3 times.🤨
I bet the IA which controls so much of the internet now sees where you live and thinks it knows better than you and changes your language setting whenever there's some sort of automatic update. Because of my actual name I encounter the annoyance of being referred to as M. (monsieur) because my first name could be the French for John and my married last name, although originating in south of England, is confused by those not in the know for a French name. As it's spam and junk snail mail which does that I delete or recycle and move on. Sometimes a website asks me if I want to have the French translation, or to change my language to French. At least it doesn't do it automatically! Computers are idiot savants.
I get asked if I want stuff translated - and I must say I do like the Italian newspapers being translated!!! And I can read all my Italian friends' friends comments on FB. But if they were REALLY clever they'd know that where I live is a German speaking region! Mind you - it is relatively recent that they get the place right - it's been places around Bozen until now and that's 70km away.