Telephone consultation with Rheumatologist yesterday. He’s not happy that I’m on 14mg of prednisone and wants me off the steroids. Been off work now for 6 weeks with a flare up, which he says he doesn’t think it is, which is why I increased my dose in agreement with GP. Although he has no answer to what it can be. He’s going to write to my GP and get him to prescribe methotrexate. Been reading up about it and really not sure about it.
So, June 2021, I’m now back to taking 11mg of prednisolone, still have terrible fatigue but feeling less pain. Doing slow taper to 10mg.
July/August 2021 and I am exhausted, pain in hips and morning stiffness much worse. Was tapering down to 10mg but stopped that. Saw GP and he agreed for me to go up to 15mg to get inflammation under control. Did this for a week and have stayed at 14mg for now. Got lots of blood tests done, all normal, including inflammation markers. GP said they don’t just go on the results of the markers, I’m pleased to say. Been off work now for 6 weeks. Still really tired but pain has gone and stiffness is much better.