Do any of you have problems with high Potassium levels? If so, do you know what causes it and how to remedy it?
Mine is slightly high at 5.1 (range 3.5-5.0).
Thanks for any information!
Do any of you have problems with high Potassium levels? If so, do you know what causes it and how to remedy it?
Mine is slightly high at 5.1 (range 3.5-5.0).
Thanks for any information!
5.1 when the range is up to 5.0 isn't really high enough to worry about unless you have symptoms. Even a rough drive to the lab can be enough to cause a bit of leakage from the red blood cells and raise it a bit. If a potassium level IS high, then it should be checked with another sample asap. Being a bit dehydrated will also increase the level in the blood.
Have you been eating a lot of high potassium foods?
Presumably your renal function is normal as high Potassium can be sometimes be secondary to kidney function. Its not that high but check that your next or previous blood tests include Urea and Electrolytes and GFR. ( Glomerular filtration rate ).In the mean time lay off any bananas, orange squash and drink plenty of water !
What’s the simtoms of high potassium
"In many cases, there are no symptoms of high potassium, which means the damage could be occurring without the patient even realizing it. Some symptoms of high potassium levels include muscle weakness; diarrhea; weak, slow, or irregular pulse; paresthesia; abdominal cramping; nausea; irritability; or even sudden collapse. To diagnosis high potassium, doctors often use laboratory data and changes in electrocardiogram readings. It’s important to note that not all patients will display changes in their electrocardiogram though."
But as it says - waiting for symptoms isn't always enough - blood checks are also essential, especially for older patients who have a diet which often includes a lot of food with high potassium levels, are on BP medication which makes a difference and whose renal function may be declining.