Hi Folks I could do with some advice please. Diagnosed withPMR in March 2017. Now on 6 mg of pred since Sept. all going well. On holiday in Johannesburg at mo. In last couple of days I gave a high temp, runnynose and cough but no stiffness. Think I caught it from man next to me on plane over. Or is it the effects of wrong dose of pred. At this higher altitude? How can I tell? What can I take to reduce temp? Any help gratefully received
PMR, high temp and altitude : Hi Folks I could do... - PMRGCAuk
PMR, high temp and altitude

Would think it's more likely to be something 'caught' on plane, but an extra 1mg for the next few days wouldn't do any harm. As for high temp etc best stick to good old fashioned paracetamol, and plenty of fluids. You could even justify a hot toddy with added honey - purely medicinal of course!
Take care.

One catches all sorts of things on planes - recirculating air seems to stimulate viruses! It is a lot higher than you are used to but it is something that has never bothered me.
I don't deal with raised temps the body has developed a raised temp to kill off the bugs. I put up with it unless it gets silly high - in which case you probably need a doctor. A mg or two extra for a few days probably won't hurt either.
I've never understood why it is always thought that a fever must be brought down because it is a fever, especially with how much there is written about the role of a fever now. For years as a nurse we are told reduce it whatever, but nobody explains why, even doctors. My poor kids have been made to tough things out though I draw the line at distressing pain or symptoms when they prevent sleep or there is delirium or it is going past 40C in a healthy person. In some cases even a mild fever could be a warning of danger, so it is a case of knowing the cause, the symptoms that come with it, coupled with your medical case. If I know it is a mild virus (runny nose, sore throat, headache etc) and I've just got to get through a particular day come hell or high water I will pop a Paracetamol, I'm no saint.
I've had some bad infections in the past and regularly have a high infection risk to bacteria. I always like to know what is going on so don't like making myself feel better artificially and I can't read the situation. On the flip side, no fever doesn't mean no problem; I've seen cases of sepsis with no fever at all or low temperature- again look at symptoms. I'm no expert, but I always ask, why have I got this fever and what symptoms do I need to look out for to indicate I'm in need of medical help?
Any doctors out there who can comment?
Absolutely my line - my poor children had to put up with a lot! But one is a nurse and the other a paramedic - and have similar habits!
I think part of the terror about raised temps is the risk of fitting in children. And it makes you feel rubbish - so they associate the feeling ill and the temperature. Bring the temp down and they feel better - but usually that is because the infection is beginning to subside anyway. A lot of the rest is marketing. But I won't get started on that!
Many thanks for all the sound advice. Normally I also believe in letting a fever run its course but this went on for 3 days at 40 c. A couple of paracetamol sorted it and I'm feeling more human! Thanks again.