After feeling unwell for a week a locum doctor at my practise sent me to hospital on Friday as she was worried I had Temporal Arteritis. The Acute Medical Initial Assessment unit were fantastic. I arrived at 12pm, had blood tests, obs, a chat with Doctor and was then told I had a CT Scan of my head/brain booked that day at 2.15pm and I would know in a few hours if they were right.
I'd done some reading about Giant Cell/Temporal arteritis and was convinced I did not have it. I was so shocked when the blood tests came back with results that make them believe I do. I have been prescribed Prednisolone 40mg which I started yesterday. The plan is an appointment with a Consultant Rheumatologist this week and possibly a biopsy of the Temporal Artery.
I have so many worries. I have some complex heart issues, including Atrial Fibrillation - am in poor health generally. I already take a huge amount of drugs daily due to heart issues. I'm concerned about the level of steroids and if that will affect if I can have my 2nd vaccination due in 3 weeks. I was in the shielded category for the past year so have not been out or had visitors. Over the last few days I have been around more people than the whole of the past year.
I did express concerns to the Doctor if this would mean I couldn't have the vaccine (it's really important to me that I get back to some level of normality, if only with family). He told me the risk of losing my sight, and other potential problems was something they could not put on hold. I needed to start the treatment now. He said we'd worry about vaccine in 3 weeks. He just kept saying, 'this is very serious'.
I'm a person who by nature looks on the bright side, the glass is half full kind of thing. I'm trying to stay positive and accepting of what is happening, while really not feeling too well. I'm not even sure I understand the problems with auto immune issues and steroids? My concentration is not what it was when trying to read.
Is there anything I should be asking the consultant when I see them this week? Any hints or tips or things I should look out for? Thank you
Sorry for the long post.