Hi all, had my weekly appointment with gp today and she suggested I wear compression/support stockings to prevent leg swelling and varicose veins while taking pred got to go tomorrow to be measured for them. Has anyone had this suggested to them ? Or does anyone wear them? Do the make any difference?. Have just found a post from two yrs ago which mentioned doppler scan this wasn't mentioned to me but an apdi was, (dont know what apdi stands for) think that what is was. It to test the pulse in my legs.
Support stockings : Hi all, had my weekly... - PMRGCAuk
Support stockings

Never suggested with GCA and high doses of Pred.
Only time I have worn them is post joint replacement operations....
but they are ultra tight and a nightmare to get on & off.
If yours are similar to flight compression socks (long haul) they’re not too bad.
It hard enough putting socks on some days, so ultra tight just sounds like a nightmare already
Well you shouldn’t need the “heavy duty”ones! There are aids to help getting off and on - if you struggle - just have a look on any mobility site or local mobility shop.
DS , problem for me is holding the aids to aid me to put on socks etc. 🤣
Agree, when I came out of hospital after knee replacement my son purchased me one on the way home - as I’d muttered something about getting bl&&dy socks off in my own.
The contraption was illustrated on video - in which the person putting socks on and off was about 30 years old, and hadn’t just had a knee replaced - so of course it looked easy.
Another example of not testing products on the people that actually need to use the damned thing!

I had them after a hospital stay. They are a nightmare! Don't buy the 'medical' ones unless you have thrombosis signs. They hurt your legs like mad and impossible to get on or off on your own.

👍 right you are Keren
I’m a great fan and wore them all the time at work. My veins got worse on Pred so they were good then too and helped prevent tired lower legs and puffy ankles. There are different classes of compression. Class 1 is what you can buy over the counter such as flight socks and light compression. Class 2 and 3 are tighter and it is good practice to do a Doppler test on your legs to see if the arterial blood supply is to the job and whether the problem lies with just veins, just arteries or a bit of both.
That all I know at the moment is I got 45min appointment tomorrow to be measured and to have I think check the pulses in my legs I think it was called apdi, what ever that is.

I wear them. I have ones w no toes. Summer ones Like them the best

You may have heard ABPI test, Karen. You have your blood pressure taken in your legs using a cuff like the one that's used on your arms so a simple test.
I had that test on both legs and it caused a nasty blister on one leg and I had to have my leg dressed by the nurse at the surgery for several weeks. It seems the steroids have caused this to happen.
Oh, dear! That must have been painful. I know that steroids can cause thinning skin and have heard that topical steroid creams can have adverse effects on skin.
I have had four blisters now. Two were caused when I had hip ops where they clamp your leg. One I had to have a Debridement op as it became very infected. It was nearly 6 inches long. I had bandages on my leg for about six months. It looked like I had been bitten by a shark. I still have a great chunk out of my leg.
I'm so sorry to hear this. How distressing for you!
My car broke down today so I sat in the waiting room of the garage looking at the photos of my legs. I took one every time it was rebandaged. It is quite horrific looking at them! Something to do I suppose.
Sounds as though the photos were on the wall!!😂😂
I hope that future photos show improvements, piglette. Also hope your car was soon repaired; you have more than enough to contend with.
At least I was able to swim today for the first time in about a year. That was great. I felt that things may be getting back to normal. Car still at the garage.
What a lovely treat for mind and body to be back in the water! Now it's up to the mechanic to get your car up to scratch.
I hate my car, I bought it quickly last year second hand when a truck ran down a hill into my old one and wrote it off. I was having a new hip and was not up to looking around for a car. It has broken down twice and I have not done enough miles to fill it up with fuel yet. Just checked with the garage and they haven’t got the new part yet!
What make is it?
Honda Jazz. It seems to be the number one car for catalytic converter thefts, that is all I need.
Oh great!!!! Seems to be a common downside these days. Our daughter has just got a 3 year old hybrid Hyundai - loves it to bits. If I need a new car I want a hybrid ...
We have no electric points anywhere here in the Styx. If I use my own supply I would have to have a cable running across the pavement for people to trip over and complain. I want a hydrogen car.
We have a couple of points in a carpark in the middle of the village but the advantage of the hydrids is you don't HAVE to have one. Hers charges from the braking I think
I did hear that, except they are supposed to be worse for the environment than petrol now they are saying. Just picked up my Honda Jazz, I think it is so old it is pre electric cars and I also discovered the warranty had run out. Spit.
She gets 70+ mpg! Actually, most of the crap off cars comes from tyres and stuff - not sure how they deal with that ...
I really drive my car so little nowadays. A long journey in it would be sooo uncomfortable. In fact the environmental costs of building a new car for me would be more than me having my current one. They don’t seem to take that into account in this it us ket’s build new boilers, new cars etc etc to save the environment.
Yes, that always occurs to me as well. OH wanted to get a new LHD car a couple of years ago. Me, I'm happy enough to get out and walk round to the ticket machine to get in and out of the carparks! The local VW garage reckons there is another 70K miles in it! I've only filled it up twice in the last year - so that's a lot of years left!
I thought APDI was a psychedelic drug, but perhaps I am totally wrong.
I had to wear them after joint replacement ops, but not been suggested for anything else but I can see they would be useful for varicose veins and also as SnazzyD suggests.
Doppler test is quick easy procedure. I had stockings prescribed- ones up to knee cut into my septic vaccination area and longer ones fell down without suspenders but are a good idea and come in black and skin - colour. Felt good to wear longer ones. Don’t know what Aldi was but have had various pulse/ vascular checks
Longer ones stay up with a roll-on glue - same sort of glue that Irish dancers use for their socks
PMRpro, roll on glue, that sounds absolutely horrific. 🙀
Apparently it isn't too bad - can't be or OH wouldn't use it! He must have full length stockings and isn't overjoyed at the concept of suspenders ...
Suspenders !!!
Poor guy, I’m sure he wasn’t happy at the idea of suspenders. 🤣
Exactly - so glue fits the bill and works well. The sort sold here have hold-up tops but they are harder to get on than the ones he has always bought in the UK by Scholl. Not sure how he will replace them though since I don't anticipate a trip this side of next year. Just as well he stocked up last time!
Yes I am supposed to wear them but not because if pred. I have chronic varicose veins. I find them very comfortable but they are a nightmare to get on and taking them off my legs itch so much. Don’t wear them very often because of this. My legs font swell that much only if I stand for long periods
My husband had a blood clot years ago and still wears compression socks. He says he’s legs feels secure. We now buy them in boots. Doppler scan show blood flow. Hope this helps a bit
I bought some lovely knee length coloured support socks from Amazon recently coz my legs were hurting and swollen in work and they are fab .... would recommend them 👍🏻
I have very thin skin on my lower legs and poor circulation resulting in ulcers following knocks or falls. Wearing compression stockings helps with these problems but my, they're tricky to put on and take off! I have in the past bought my own stockings that are lighter to wear and come in a better variety of sizes - my short legs means that the supplied ones roll over at the knee like a tournique - not helpful. Good luck!
Hi it is ABPI is ankle and brachial systolic blood pressure it is what a doppler test measures. It measures the force of the blood through the veins. You should always have a doppler before wearing class 11 compression stocking to check your ABPI is the permitted range to wear the stockings. Hope this helps
I am supposed to wear them for water retention and heart problems but they are a menace to get on and off. I don't wear mine.☹️
they were suggested to me, but not for PMR, had knee replacement, doubt you live close, but I'm in mid ontario and i have some still in the box i would just give you to help you out
I recently bought some compression hose, to use when traveling in R.V. Sitting in one place for long periods resulted in swollen ankles, and hose helps😜
I had the blood flow test. It showed claudication (restricted circulation) in one ankle and when you have that, you are cautioned NOT to use compression socks. The problem is that blood is not being delivered that well in the first place and compression socks will restrict it even more. My Dr. said nothing about any of this, just ordered the test. I bought the socks and noticed the first day that my toes on the bad side were always cold. It didn't take much searching online to find out why. Other than cold toes, my legs felt better while wearing the socks, but not a good idea for me.Hope you can wear them!
Have been wearing level 3 compression knee-hi's for 20 years and all through 3 years with PMR. Definitely get the kind that don't cover your toes. There is a simple way to get them on without a struggle or an aid. Will think about how to explain it in writing.
Thanks for all replies. I went today to be measured for these stockings, knee to toes length not sure what class they are going to be. I did have abpi tests, it was either black or tan colour so chose black now I'm thinking if we get summer maybe black was the wrong colour as maybe they going to be hot enough anyway but as long as they do what they suppose to do who cares what colour they are. They should be ready Saturday for pick up. So just have to wait and see
I’ve had terrible varicose veins for decades. No doctor has told me to wear support hose since I’ve been on prednisone. Legs do ache a lot.
I've been experiencing thigh pain and ankle swelling. Had an ultrasound yesterday. Came back normal. But now both thighs, legs and ankles reacting. Very disconcerting. Don't know whether to be concerned. Any comments? My rheumatologist ordered the ultrasound but haven't heard from him yet about the results. He wants to take over from my GP because of my high dose of liquid pred. 45mgs. GP wants me to continue for 30 more days. Rheumatologist suggests I start to taper. Between a rock and a hard place. Also, labs show my glucose levels elevated from pre-diabetic to diabetic. I was warned by my OB/GYN about this concern. I am on a low-carb diet but noticed increased hunger. Any suggestions?Thank you.
" I am on a low-carb diet but noticed increased hunger"
Are you sure it is as low carb as you think? And if you are hungry you need more protein and fat along with large portions of the really low carb stuff like salad leaves, cucumber and other veggies shown here - bulk also fills you up:
Often feeling hungry is because really you are thirsty - drink a glass of water and go and do something else for 15 mins and often you find the cravings fade away.