I have had PMR since November 2018.I have got down to 6mg for about 9 months now. I was in considerable pain again yesterday and very tired. I had done some gardening day before. My question to all is this , apart from walking which I know we should do I have been trying to exercise a bit more , is it good to try and use weights to build muscle. I often look back at Leslie Kenton ideas on raw food and an exercise programme but maybe that is a mistake with this . I feel cleaning my house cooking and gardening etc with no help keeps me on the ball and moving but wondering if others target specific areas to build muscle . I have oesteopina and have been put on a 2 year infusion of Alendronic acid. I am trying to counter act the badness of toxic meds I have to take with my diet as much as I can . Any thughts out there ?
Exercise or rest more . : I have had PMR since... - PMRGCAuk
Exercise or rest more .

I did garden all through 5 years with GCA.
Did 10 minutes sat for 15 mins, etc. Why did I sit after 10 mins was because the oxygen supply to your muscles is impaired, so work then sit and give those muscles time to replenish.
Like when I could walk, started out with 5 mins out, 5 mins back and increased time till I could do 45 mins each way which is recommended for everyone. Like when you have a knee op.
I took a big step and had raised beds put in so I could sit on the top of the sleepers. A gardening stool that you could kneel or sit on. Could not kneel on it at all. Also
4 wheeled container that meant I could put tools in and compost and not have to carry anything Changed to long handled gardening tools. I don't think I would have survived 5 years of GCA without the ability to garden. Winter was a nuisance.....but I still sat out with a Coffee and a brandy in it.
Don't do to much and Then I ran into trouble, but that is another story.
I do have an exercise sheet, devised by fitness trainer for people with PMR. If you want a copy a PM.
Thankyou that is so helpful . I would love the exercise sheet ; as I don't want to make things worse .
Can you walk now Jinasc? That's the thing that lockdown has mucked things up for me. Last year I could at least go up and down stairs occasionally and walk for about 30 minutes (15 out,rest,15 back). Now I can't manage the stairs at all and ten minutes maximum walking.
Mind you, like you, coffee with brandy in it drags me back. Even better Irish Coffee (not keen on it with brandy though).
Yes Constance but not far - Piris is back and no Acupuncture available.
I also started this exercise again, which we published in 2009 when we opened our website. Now closed.
As PMRpro say 'but only VERY light ones'.
Begin by standing on a comfortable surface, where you have plenty of room at each side. With a 5-lb potato bag in each hand, extend your arms straight out from your sides and hold them there as long as you can. Try to reach a full minute, and then relax.
Each day you'll find that you can hold this position for just a bit longer. After a couple of weeks, move up to 10-lb potato bags.
Then try 50-lb potato bags and then eventually try to get to where you can lift a 100-lb potato bag in each hand and hold your arms straight for more than a full minute. (I'm at this level.)
After you feel confident at that level, put a potato in each bag.
We had to learn how to smile when we started out on a journey no-one ever undertakes willingly.
@jinsac - ha ha ha I was really sucked in to that until I got to 50lbs amd thought “WHAT”?!?!? Can’t believe I’m so gullible. 🥴🤪😁👍

You could try weights - but only VERY light ones to start with, like a couple of small water bottles with a small amount of water at first and do only a few (say) bicep curls at first. If the muscles don't hurt the following day you can add a couple more until you get to 10. Then split to 2x5 and build eachset up 1 at a time to 10 in each set. Then add a bit more water at a time to each bottle to get up to them being full. It isn't using big weights that does it - small is just as good.
You must avoid developing DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness), the soreness you get from doing too much and by building up so gradually you will probably manage it. Always remember to have a rest day after an exercise day - that is how training works, slight stress on the muscle causes tiny tears in it and then give it time to heal. With PMR and pred your muscles are delicate - do too much all at once and it can take weeks to recover. It isn't worth it.
Yes I agree; I have noticed that I defintely need day off next day . Coming to terms with that has been difficult as have always been full on person who just needed a good night 's sleep that is no longer enough . Thankyou so much for all those pointers really useful !
I was very fit and a day’s heavy gardening was normal before diagnosis with GCA. I’m currently in remission 4 years later, BUT this ain’t no hit the weights and get back to being fighting fit. I am Currently exercising so that I can use weights. Aim ridiculously low and build from there.
THankyou I will aim low . All the best to you too.
I’ve had pmr since dec 19, now on 4.5 mgm. Coincidentally I’ve recently had a hip replacement 6 wks ago & having physio to rebuild muscle I lost leading up to it. This consists of simple exercises without weights, for thighs, pelvic floor, core strength, glutes & calves. I’ve found it manageable & feeling better for it. I haven’t got a huge amount of energy though, I do housework or gardening in chunks of 1/2 hr, then a good rest, cuppa then go again. By late afternoon I’m pretty tired. I’m wondering if you’re doing a bit too much, especially if you’re having pain?
Hi there. I was diagnosed with PMR back in May 2019 and was very fit and healthy prior to this, visiting the gym at least 5 days a week and fitting in other forms of exercise whenever I could. Suddenly no longer being able to continue this regime, and the effects of the PMR and steroids, meant a noticeable loss of strength and muscle mass over a very short period of time. I've listened to all the reliable advice on here and also researched some information for myself and as I said in another recent post.....insufficient rest is most definitely not helpful but a totally sedentary lifestyle is not helpful either.
First of all, I eat a very healthy diet. If you put 2nd grade fuel in your body you can only expect to feel 2nd grade!! Important to eat nutritious food that 'fuels' the body well and doesn't deplete it further of necessary nutrients. So......lots of fresh vegetables and some fruits, protein, wholegrains and minimal carbs. Definitely stay away from sugar!.... cakes, chocolate, processed meals etc or at least keep them to the barest minimum.
I go for a walk each morning and began with 10-15 mins around the meadow outside my front door. Now, I can walk for an hour or more but I always gauge how I'm feeling on any one day and adjust the time and duration according to my capabilities. I never push myself further than I know I can manage. The walking helps to build up heart and lung health aswell as general stamina and is also good for bone health (I'm on Alendronic acid for osteoporosis) Being out in the fresh air is one of the best tonics you can have too!
I've also discovered yoga. I mainly focus on sessions specifically for osteoporosis but there are also lots of free sessions for many different criteria if you type your requirement into SEARCH on YouTube. Yoga is relaxing and gentle but it definitely has positive benefits. Yoga for osteoporosis is all about building muscle strength and therefore also bone strength. This in turn improves balance and over the three months I've been doing it, I've noticed a recognisable improvement in all 3 areas.
Both these forms of exercise are easy to adjust to suit how you feel on any one day and although I generally do both a walk and some yoga each day, I've built up to this gradually and have rest days if I need to. Knowing and listening to your own body is essential and a skill you need to master!
It's all about finding something that works for you......Could be walking, swimming, pilates, yoga, gentle free weights, tai chi......whatever helps to gently build and maintain muscles and strength without aggravating the condition. There's lots to choose from but just remember that 'slow, steady and gentle' is the way forward.
Like you kendrew , I was very fit person and had always done a lot of yoga.I will defintely look up sessions now for yoga for oesteporosis as it looks like I am heading that way. I think slow steady and gentle must be the way . I get pretty wrecked if going for a walk that should take one hour now takes 2 and a half with a lot of stops. All my joints ache now fingers everywhere. I am glad Summer coming up as love the sea and am in it as much as I can . My doctor of course said this is not weight bearing and walking better for muscle improvement ; but I feel too weak arms are not helping getting in and out of the bath and need to build up targeted areas . Your reply was so detailed and thankyou for going to all that trouble do appreciate it.I am also trying Leslie Kenton's Raw energy breakfast to bang in some good nutrients. All the best.
A lot of people would disagree:
Pragmatism does suggest that an exercise you can manage and enjoy is better than one where you struggle and become dissuaded!
There is a lot of evidence that the movement of the muscles tugs at the bone and that also signals the bone to lay down new tissue. Which is probably why Pilates and yoga also have positive effects.
It sounds to me like you're already on the right track and know exactly what you have to do, but the memory of what you were able to achieve before diagnosis is preventing you from seeing the things you can still aim for and ultimately achieve. Just do a little bit each day....I initially selected 10min yoga sessions and built them up, and now most days I can do an hour. It's a gentle pace and I always feel better afterwards. PS. I'm going to PM you
Okay great not sure what pm me means though !-
Sending you a private message - like a post/reply but only you can see and read it. Look at the top of the page and there is a paper plane icon and the word Chat - it will light up when the message arrives, click on it to see your messages.
I have read your message on your page. Sorry if you are still off work . I agree what they telll you not altogether accurate as this has gone on longer for me than first thought. Like you as well as the pain , I want totry and do as much as I possibly can to negate side effects of meds.
Not sure you've read the 'private message' I sent you?? To access it you need to look at the top of this page and click on the word 'Chat'....it has an icon above it that looks like a folded paper plane.
I enjoy Pilates - diagnosed Oct 18 and on 6 mg - we do it on zoom now
I found that too hard good for you .