Hello. I've been following a thread here from people who have experienced flares after getting their COVID vaccinations. I'm scheduled to get my first shot in about 2 weeks. Just wondering if any of you with PMR have been vaccinated and haven't experienced any nasty PMR flares afterwards?
COVID Vaccine question: Hello. I've been following... - PMRGCAuk
COVID Vaccine question

No flare at all. Felt a bit unwell for two days and a sore arm.
I had side effects from the vaccine but no flares..
No problem with phyzir vaccine, very slight sore arm, tired the next day, that was it!
Thanks Fifegran. Happy to hear that you didn't have any problems.
After first Pfizer dose, only a couple of hours of total exhaustion the following day (much more than usual)
Second dose this Wednesday.
I had one dose of Oxford Astra Zeneca and I felt tired and a bit achy but no flare so far. Good luck.
I’ve had both of my vaccinations with no side effects at all (Pifzer)
Nothing at all , cannot wait for the second jab and a more social world
Like Fifegran, I had a sore arm (around the injection site) for 2 days - like I'd been punched. I had Pfizer. And like Mondelo, can't wait for the second dose.
Had both Pfizer jabs, bit of a sore arm but otherwise fine. I'm slow tapering from 7mg so am ready for problems like flare or adrinals - but nothing from the jabs. Good to have had them.
Had my first Astra Zeneca jab in early February. Injection site a bit tender and had a mild headache for 24 hours, no flare. So glad to have had it.
No side effects, no flare up...1st Astra Zeneca.
Oxford Astra Seneca. Bit "off"for a few days but then OK and no flare
No, no flare at all have had first dose of pfizer and expect 2nd fairly soon.
I've had my first shot and been fine, apart from a sore arm for a couple of days.
I had my second vaccine shot after being diagnosed am with PMR and have not had any side effects from the shot
No flare from 1st and 2nd vaccinations of Moderna. Some fatigue the following am after the 2nd shot but water and rest helped greatly.
My doctor said to wait. I have PMR, celiac, PCOS and multiple myeloma. I got PMR following a flu shot. She said that there isn't enough data. Studies on our group are looking to see how many antibodies we make in response and are talking about strengthening the shot or extra boosters. They are not looking at how it affects our autoimmune problems. We need that data.
Yes, definitely a concern isn't it Bodmor. Sorry to hear about all of the challenges you are dealing with.
There is the point that if all of us with an autoimmune disorder did the same, they will never get the data you want.
It is not uncommon for PMR to surface soon after a flu shot. But what has to be borne in mind is that that may have been the final straw that broke the immune system's back - and if it hadn't been the flu shot it would have been the next stress on the immune system that did it. Possibly the flu you caught because you hadn't had the shot. My husband missed one year, caught flu and was ill with pneumonia and fluid on his lung for 6 months.
My pmr started after a flu shot too and my doctor is holding on approving me for a vaccine until they have more data.
Glad you asked the question colmarin - I have my first one booked for next Saturday and am a bit worried. Very reassuring seeing so many the positive comments. Good luck with yours!
Pfizer jag. 25 days ago. No Ill effects whatsoever.
PMR started October 20 following a flue jab, I decided to go alone without GP no Pred. then ( just about to start) so was aware of the raw effects. I would describe it as if pain was rated 100% a few weeks after PMR started it had then decreased to about 60% at the time of the Covid jab February 21. The Jab flared this up to about 80% for 2-3 weeks, it's then gone back to 60%. Symptoms didn't change their type but increased in intensity. Decided that pain wasn't going away by itself so I have decided to involve GP and give Pred. a go. I suspect that any vaccination which by definition modifies the immune system is going to stir things up, hopefully temporarily. Some vaccines have substances called adjuvants incorporated who's job is to do just that to accelerate the production of new antibodies etc.
There are no adjuvants in the Pfizer and Moderna shots - I don't know about the AStra Zeneca vaccine