So it appears that I may have been misdiagnosed. I started prednisone nearly two years ago when I was finally diagnosed with PMR after running around to different medical practioneers for a year. However, my rheumatologist was never really convinced it was PMR because prednisone never really helped me as much as it should have and I can't seem to taper well at all. So she kept running tests.
So, quite by accident, when having a CAT scan to look for blood inflammation, it was discovered that I had sacrilitis. A followup MRI showed bilateral sacrilitis and fluid in the marrow. So my rheumatologist now suspects some sort of spondyloarthritis like ankylosing spondylitis (AS). One further way to help the diagnosis was to try me on NSAIDS, which generally work well for AS and not for PMR. I have a bleeding disorder so the safest one is Celebrex. I started it Tuesday and what a difference. My stiffness went away and almost all my pain. I don't like taking it since I am still on 7 mg of prednisone, but I'm hoping I'll be okay and that it will help me get off prednisone which is not a treatment for AS so there's no reason to be on it.
I'm suspecting that I'll be put on a biologic at some point since staying on Celebrex long term when I have a bleeding disorder is not likely. Just thought I'd tell my story and say that if prednisone isn't helping you as much as it should, keep looking.