Hi everyone,
I’m feeling very despondent. Last June I was down to 9 mg and had a wonderful rheumatologist who listened and worked with me. (Originally diagnosed in January 2018 with PMR and GCA, put on 40 mg pred). She left the practice in June and I’ve been without a rheumatologist ever since.
I live in California and with The fires and blackouts, we had four blackouts), this summer, I guess the stress of having to evacuate at a moments notice caused a flare and I went to 13 mg where I’ve been ever since! Not to mention Covid stress. And some stress with my son.
Then came the election, etc, more stress and sporadic pain in various places, hips, knees, back, wrists, that I’ve been trying to sort out. So confusing as I’ve also had a lot of stiff neck and occipital pain in the same place as the original GCA pain. My vision is definitely worse.
I’ve been relying on my GP for prednisone refills which has worked so far. She’s not too knowledgeable about PMR/GCA, and I’ve not wanted to discuss it with her much as I’m afraid she’ll want to lower the dose. Had to straighten out the dosage with her earlier and it was stressful! She does listen though.
She’s ordered X-rays and referral to an orthopedist which I haven’t done. Just pooped out!
I want to start tapering again. I’m at the same dose I was a year ago, but I’m afraid! I need cataract surgery, my vision is getting worse.
My feeling now is that the pain is joint and maybe weak muscles related. Seems more like arthritis pain. My CRP and sed rate are back to normal after being raised this summer.
I just feel overwhelmed and too tired to sort any of this out and see more doctors and have more tests! Maybe not a good idea with Covid rampant now anyway. I think I’ve given up on finding a new rheumatologist.
Sorry for this long whine!