Hello everyone,
In my previous post I was having quite a lot of shoulder, neck, and sacral pain at 8 mg and had increased pred to 11 mg for 6 days. At 11 i was still in pain. The sacral pain was better. It seems to respond to ibuprofen which I took a few times but don’t want to use regularly.
I didn’t want to increase the pred more, (a familiar story), after reading everyone’s comments I had to admit it was a flare and I needed more, so I increased to 13 mg. Which is 5 mg more than the 8 mg.
I’ve been on 13 for 6 days, and the pain has improved 85-90%, Until today when I woke up with a stiff painful neck again when I look down. It mostly went away after I got up and after after pred. It’s not the shoulders, it’s the neck. Feels more like strained or tight muscles than PMR? Or is that just wishful thinking. Yesterday I might have overdone it as my sister and I got together and had a long deep conversation, not an argument, but just intense.
It’s so discouraging as I was at 13 exactly a year ago when we moved and I had a major flare! I stayed there for quite awhile and reduced slowly, lots of stress....another pause in January when my best friend was in an accident and on life support, she is now in hospice 6 months later and her death is now imminent.
Do you think I can go back down now more quickly since I’ve only been on 11 for 6 days and 13 for 6 days? Do I need to wait until no more pain at all before reducing again?
Last blood tests on 7/6 were sed rate 36mm/hr. (0-25)
CPR 1.4 mg/dL (<1.0)
I’m without a rheumy right now and my GP has been trying to sort the pain for me but doesn’t seem to be too knowledgeable about PMR/HCA.
More stress worrying about support from a doctor, who needs it!
Thank you