I've toyed with posting here as it's been months since I last posted.
I hope you're all managing during these extraordinary times we're living in.
We've been keeping our heads beneath the parapet, semi sheilding and wearing mask whenever we're entering a shop. This is no 'obligatoire' for which I am greatly relieved. We've done online shopping which we can collect from outside the supermarket, so I rarely have to go in.
8 weeks ago I attempted to drop .5mg per week making my dose 3x7.5 and 4 x 7 each week. After 10 days I was very unhappy and struggling. Tearful, fragile and not coping with my normally good organisational skills. So, I am now back to 7.5mg per day as it's taken that to get me back to somewhere reasonable.
3 weeks ago I had sudden onset left knee pain. Stiff and painful, difficulty walking and then the right knee became painful but not as much as the left.
I waited to see if the problem resolved and it began to. On Monday this week I had my normal blood test and my CRP is 40! Normally it's around 11.
I made an appointment 2 days ago to discuss with Dr, sadly my usual Dr is on holiday, so today I saw one of our local retired Dr's who is standing in.
My knee was much better (isn't it always the way by the time you get to your appointment?). I wish I'd seen my own Dr who knows my history but too bad.
After a quick examination which was uncomfortable he suggests there is some fluid there. His treatment plan is to take 80mgs Cortisone today (I didn't) and 100 mg tomorrow and for 5 days! My knee has been saw since his examination but there is no way I am willing to risk all the months and months of balancing dosage by following this short term therapy.
OMG!!!!! I am interested to hear your thoughts.