It bled from knee down my leg in 2 rows and into my shoe and sock. It was quite a bit of blood. Didnt feel a thing. Neighbor noticed it. I went in the house to wash it off and the weird thing was i cant find any breaks in the skin. I know the prednisone drys and thins the skin. I was being extremely cautious as I was trimming a rose bush and didnt want to get scratched. Perhaps another crazy prednisone mystery.
Doing gardening and noticed leg bleeding - PMRGCAuk
Doing gardening and noticed leg bleeding

Blood started oozing out of my arm one evening, no cuts, breaks in the skin, and then it stopped. Since then I have started getting red spots on my forearms,
I couldn't get to see a doctor, she just arranged a blood test for me, which I haven't heard anything back from!
This needs you so speak to your GP.............without a scratch?
I wear trousers when gardening and also fingerless arm protection.

Better stick to the paper variety!!
Blood oozing from damaged capillaries is sometimes listed as an adverse effect when on pred - sounds horrible but not something I have seen before.
I have experienced the same issue, although never with profuse bleeding. It is a side effect of prednisone. (I’m in US). I’ve found a lotion made by DerMend for fragile skin that works very well. It is sold over the counter and by Amazon in US.
Thank you , prednisone does strange things🤪