I am 65 and on 7.5 mg of prednisolone and on amlodopine for high blood pressure. I have not received a letter about bing high risk but according to the guidlines I think I am. Your advice would be appreciated
Shielding: I am 65 and on 7.5 mg of prednisolone... - PMRGCAuk

This is the government’s advice - read through it - and if you’re still not sure speak to GP stating you think you are at high risk.
The flow chart in page 2 might also help - unless your blood pressure has flared recently I would probably say you’re not in the highest group -
You maybe haven’t heard because you are under 70, but best to check.
Hi thank you for your reply. My understanding is that my high blood pressure is an additional comorbidity and increases my risk. I have been sent home from work by the Senior Management team as they considered me to be vulnerable. I work with children with Severe Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties and they have absolutely no understanding of Social Distancing so I am not able to maintain even that. I have now had an email asking ME! to provide evidence of my vulnerability. I just don't know what to do. I am happy to work if I can stay safe but I just don't see how I can. All the guidelines show I am at increased/high risk of infection but without a letter to support that I will probably have to go back. I think I might need some legal advise to protect myself. Thank you again for your response.
Yes you may, but we’re you just told to go home verbally?or was it a written edict - presumably not if they now want proof.
I still think best bet is to contact surgery and explain situation - hopefully they can help - do you have an way to contact via email?
It was in a conversation on the 17th March and they said they did not want me to come back in and was followed up with an email to that effect so they initiated it and confirmed it too. I don’t know the thinking behind it. It possible others are abusing the situation and that may be why.
I am only on 5mg, on 2 tablets for blood pressure and type 2 diabetic (controlled by diet and exercise) . I haven’t had the letter either but I am self isolating and sending my husband out to the shops.
I believe they are still sending out the letters but I don’t really want one.
I am in the Shielded Group due to Steroids and Heart Attack
Never had letter but GP confirmed .
Heart Related includes High Blood pressure even if it is controlled by medication all very confusing .
But I think you will find you should be Shielding
Good morning, my partner had a letter to say they should be shielding but when we read it it stated that steroid doses of 20mg or more put you in the high risk group for shielding. She is thankfully on 10mg now.
I am not sure how your other medical problems affect your risk though.
I believe that if you think you may have been missed off the list of shielders the advice it to contact your GP.
Best wishes
Hi thank you for your reply. My understanding is that my high blood pressure is an additional comorbidity and increases my risk. I have been sent home from work by the Senior Management team as they considered me to be vulnerable. I work with children with Severe Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties and they have absolutely no understanding of Social Distancing so I am not able to maintain even that. I have now had an email asking ME! to provide evidence of my vulnerability. I just don't know what to do. I am happy to work if I can stay safe but I just don't see how I can. All the guidelines show I am at increased/high risk of infection but without a letter to support that I will probably have to go back. I think I might need some legal advise to protect myself. Thank you again for your response.
That's really difficult. They sent you home and now want you to provide evidence of your vulnerability? Quite strange, do they have an occupational health team to refer you to? If they are concerned regarding your health at work an occupational health assessment should take place. I would also discuss with your GP. Perhaps you could also offer to do some work from home if that's possible.
I hope you are able to work something out.
Best wishes
As far as I understand it, your GP can 'put you on the list' and generate a letter for you. Apologies if I'm wrong, but have a word with them. Good Luck!
My disabled OH had not received a letter inspite being high risk. I phoned the doctor and it arrived this morning. So it was worth the phone call.
Hello Tuppence55 – Your circumstances are quite similar to mine in that you would have expected to have been identified as someone who should be placed in the “extremely vulnerable group” and advised to shield.
The flow chart used by many NHS Hospital Trust Rheumatology departments show that as you are taking 7.5mg Prednisolone & medication for Hypertension then you clearly fall into the group that is advised to shield.
Another tool was the BSR risk scoring guide in which you would have scored a total of 3 thereby placing you in the shielding group. (Two for your steroid dosage and another one for hypertension.)
However, this guide has now been removed and seems to be under review as it conflicted with another guide that had been issued by BSR .
Based on the available public information I had been expecting to receive a letter from my Rheumatology department advising me to shield – not so. However, I had taken it upon myself to do so.
I contacted my GP/Practice nurse and she checked the flow chart, my medical records and immediately added me to the extremely vulnerable list . Maybe this is the way to go for yourself...
Hope this helps & best wishes to you - Kathy
I suspect that there are various people who get a "2" in 2 or more categories but since the UK doesn't generally do well with digital technology the thinking isn't too joined up.
Hypertension seems to have a double whammy - the raised BP is a risk factor but management with certain medications is also a problem because the virus appears to attack via the ACE receptorsn which are a factor in management.
Many thanks for your input and valuable information. I can't pretend that this is not causing me undue stress and confusion. I'm disappointed at the conflicting and contradictory info and guidelines that seem to shift every time I look online for clarification. My work exposes me to multiple risks which are, given my health issues, are problematic. I will try and contact my Doctor again and get some support. I am quite close to retirement age (next year) and would like to get there safely. 😷
Just wanted to update you that I have now had conformation that my medical conditions put me in the high risk/vulnerable catagory and a letter is coming out to me. It seems that I had slipped between a crack in the system and had I not questioned it, given the government and NHS criteria, it would have gone unnoticed. Not that this is a reason to celebrate because it is not, but given my working environment, it may have put me in an extremely awkward situation had this not been identified. A big thank you for the advice I received when I highlighted my situation, at the time I was feeling very upset and anxious.