I’m currently on 30mg Prednisolone for a GCA flare and my GP has put me in shielding. I have a telephone appointment with a rheumatologist this afternoon and I’m hoping my dose can be reduced. Can anyone please offer me any advice on how low my steroid dose will need to be before I can stop shielding? I think I’m doing quite well and have 80% improvement in symptoms.
Shielding advice: I’m currently on 30mg... - PMRGCAuk
Shielding advice

It isn't just the dose of pred - it is the history. You must have been on pred before if this is in response to a flare? And have you any other health problems? History of raised BP, for example? But if you have GCA then you have a vasculitis, a cardiovascular disorder, and that should be a risk factor for shielding anyway,
Thanks. Sounds like I need to continue to shield a bit longer. I’m quite happy to do so - I’m in no rush to increase my risk of catching this horrid virus. I was actually first diagnosed with PMR in September 2018. I clearly had GCA symptoms then tho my GP only ever called it PMR and thereafter I managed myself on a reducing regime. I thought it was going quite well - I’d got down to 2mg but haven’t felt well since February this year. Silly me didn’t recognise my flare symptoms (fatigue, jaw problems amongst them). I do recognise I now need to treat this condition seriously and not rush things and also learn more about the condition. I do have other issues though nothing very serious: I’ve had raised platelets for years tho never so high as to need treatment and sometimes wonder if there's any connection. I also have moderate diverticula disease and I suspect Prednisolone doesn’t help here. I had a stricture last year. I also have some poss osteoporotic collapses in my thoracic spine. And I take statins. But I consider myself to be pretty healthy, independent and active at 74. I also care for my husband who has recently been diagnosed with dementia. Thanks for reading.
So sorry to hear about your husband’s diagnosis of Dementia. It is a worrying time for you both. Try not to neglect yourself in all this. 🌸
So sorry to hear about your husband's diagnosis - since that diagnosis doesn't come overnight, have you thought about the fact that the stress of that may have contributed? PMR/GCA don't do well alongside stress.
Hi Washbrook
I think that now more than ever we need to be more cautious about Shielding, as others come out of Lockdown & more Shops etc open we can watch & wait time see what happens. I think sometimes it’s frustrating being at home but truthfully we are much safer there.
Are you all organised with your food deliveries & prescriptions etc?
I’m so sorry about your husbands diagnosis, it must be very difficult for you.
Sending you kind thoughts & very good wishes
MrsN xx
Thank you for your kind thoughts. it hasn’t been an easy ride into this dementia world (thankfully still mild, but such a change). It’s so important I keep healthy during this journey. interestingly we’ve adapted to this new life well - it feels safe at home and life is uncomplicated and less stressful because we’re not rushing around trying to fit too many things in.

This is the table regarding medication and recommending shielding - rheumatology.org.uk/Portals...