I dont know what to do,as I had to shield in april,may,june and july,was going back to work in sept,but my boss rung to stay off till end of oct,went back for 2 days in nov,and then was off til dec 12th.but I have only gone back 1hrs a week.so I was just wondering what I should do.i am on 10mg press.sorry to go on.but i am so frightened and worried.sorry.
Shielding.: I dont know what to do,as I had to... - PMRGCAuk

see this - does mention shielding about half way down - you should be getting another letter re shielding -
Flosys, do you have any other conditions such as Diabetes, High Blood Pressure?
The PM last night said anyone classed as Shielding MUST stay at home.
I understand that you are frightened & worried but is it about actually catching the Virus?
Kind Regards
No I dont have any other health issues.yes about catching the virus.
What sort of job do you have, can you work from home?
If you were Shielded the first time & the second time you should be able to get a Shielding Note from your GP - we are just waiting for the latest guidance/letter to be issued then one of us will post it on here as soon as it is available.
Kind Regards
I work in a care home,am a housekeeper,cant work from home.ok thank you for your reply.
I responded to a similar post a couple of days ago and said then, that as a nursery class teacher, where risk of transmission is high (as with your job) I battled with my conscience for ages as to whether I should go in or not... for the children's sake. I was told that below 5mg pred I would probably have no higher risk than anyone else. At 10mg and above I'd be considered immunosupressed again and therefore at higher risk, and anything in between would be dependant on other risk factors that may be involved. I've never received a shielding letter because I'm not considered to be 'extremely clinically vulnerable) I'm in the 'next category of 'clinically vulnerable' and after a discussion with my GP and rheumatologist, I've been provided with a letter explaining I'm immunocompromised. This has allowed for me to remain safe at home. I had so many conflicting opinions about this and felt I should be doing my bit in school, but I'm now so glad I did what I now know to be the right thing and stayed off safe at home. Why??....because ALL of my 5 colleagues who work in the same class are now ill with covid-19!I'm very scared too Flosys. I think everyone in our situation will be. All my colleagues are thankfully making a fast and good recovery but I almost feel envious of them because they no longer have that constant, nagging fear of catching covid-19 anymore. You can't let the fear consume you though.
You have to get up in the morning and be thankful for the day ahead. Try and fill it with meaning and purpose......take up a new hobby, read a new book, sort out your knicker drawer!😄.....but whatever you do, make it something that provides that same feeling of satisfaction you experience from your job. Make sure you're taking all the right measures to protect yourself and do what your instinct tells you to do. We'll get through this and we'll be ok, but our health has to come first, and if staying well means staying off work for a while....that is what you must do.