Anyone on the Extremely Vulnerable list heard from Ocado? They say they are emailing those of their customers who are on the government's list, I have been given a slot by Tesco, but not heard a peep from Ocado in spite of having used them very recently? I know who i'm going to shop from when things get back to normal .
Anyone on Extremely Vulnerable list been given a... - PMRGCAuk
Anyone on Extremely Vulnerable list been given a slot by Ocado?

We’ve discussed this before - and I think it varies from supermarket to supermarket and locality to locality.
I did state last week I was surprised that Waitrose hadn’t contacted me like Sainsbury’s did - on age basis only.
However looking on their site today apparently I am on their priority list. Getting a slot may be a different matter though.
In my local area, Sainsbury’s have a bigger shop than Waitrose so therefore more staff /vehicles which maybe why getting one of their slots seems easier.
I think it’s a matter of looking every day - or maybe various times during the day.
I have an order in my trolley on both sites - so I’m ready to react when a slot appears. As one delivery is made - I have another order waiting in the wings.
I am usually a sainsburys customer and wont be after all this is over!! I got a slot for tesco last night and will be using them instead of sainsburys in future!!YBB
I could not get in Tesco or Waitrose, DIL, found me a Sainsburys slot, delivered this morning.....even got first time delivery from Boots, they offered!....when the meds many, probably last me a year!!
I was sent a survey from Waitrose, when it came to "any comments?" bet!....
Like dorsetlady says it probably has more to do locality. Tescos seem on the ball here but the others not so much as a peep but it really does differ throughout the country. Hopefully they will all sort themselves out soon and people who can shop.will stop taking the spaces. Online doesnt give them a bigger chance of getting certain items anyway.xxYBB
I don't think people realise that if it isn't on the shelves in the shop it won't be on the shelves for the pickers who put the online orders together.
That's why I have made about 30 changes to my basket. I am trying to make sure mine is in or at least a reasonable choice up to the last minute. Given some of the substitutions they offered I have turned it off. So I wait to see if my bank account emptied!!
Although online some items are marked as “no longer available”. Neither can you over order - although some are a bit draconian maybe? .
On one order I had 2 small tins of kidney beans, and 2 small baked beans - but wasn’t allowed 4 only 3 - because they were all beans! There’s a heck of a lot of different canned beans out there.
It's annoying when the restriction are on the things you normally buy 4 of, like a mixture of beans or tomatoes. I got a note come up last night as I was doing final amends on my order due today saying I had exceeded the quantity of items allowed in my trolley!! Apparently its 80!! I dont usually count the shopping tbh
I’ve put one tin of baked beans on my order for past five weeks now. Every week it’s not delivered! We only eat them about once a month and I can do without, but when I get my new can I’m happy to eat the last one! Until then it remains in my backup store! David’s whisky is on special offer so didn’t get delivered three weeks ago and no substitutes available. That made me scratch my head as I know from others that there are bottles of blended whisky out there. The next week I ordered the special offer whisky, one litre size, but also a 70 cl bottle. No one litre one available no substitute. But the 70 cl one arrived and the right brand. Now to me the 70 cl bottle would be the obvious substitute for the non available one litre one! But obviously not. Sometimes you have to think round the subject!! If both arrived...well they keep for ages!!! I’ve been offered a free delivery pass by ASDA who I’ve never shopped with! They are offering me a repeat slot each week! Sainsburys who I’ve been with for past two years, always delivered, I have a slot today and next weeks slots are just appearing to me so far I’ve nabbed one for next Tuesday can’t get Wednesday. But I’ve had two emails from them saying I have some priority. Until two years ago we had Tesco delivery for four years. I can’t get a single slot, I can’t get through on phone and I’ve had not contact from them as a shielded person. We have a Waitrose card but I can’t find a slot, but I’ve been the 37,000 person in a queue to go into their site to look for a slot or amend my order, a wait they told me of 53 minutes. I don’t really want that sort of wait to amend an order ! My problem lies with the fact that existing accounts are in my husband’s name not mine perhaps so Tesco wouldn’t see him as priority as he’s not officially shielded. But if I change that will it make it a new account? Anybody with same experience please can you let me know? Thanks and sorry for long message! I was spending an hour a day on finding a slot. I was trying to grab a slot st midnight. I was trying six supermarkets! Life IS improving! Stay safe s x PS sorry this is posting as reply to you dear Dorset Lady and not to main thread, I’m brain fogged this morning!
Not a problem!
Substitutes are always fun aren’t they...mind you if I were a ‘shopper” at the moment I might make some odd replacements! Must be a nightmare of a job.
As for changing names, it might be difficult at the moment! But if you’ve an hour ...or three to spare you could try!
The last delvery I had from Asda substituted foot cream for hand cream but it has proved very good and economical. Though I laughed at first!!
Just said on the news they are lifting restrictions at the shops so people can shop for their friends. So they will be back to the beginning again and people dependent on online shopping will be even worse off.
It has been a morning of face-palms so far!!! A decided lack of joined up thinking ...
A friend on the lupus forum was telling me about her goddaughter in deepest central Wales - high fever, rash, photophobia on Sat night. 111 says DO NOT GO TO A&E but she can't get antibiotics until Monday! On Sky this morning an A&E specialist says they are concerned at the massive drop in attendances for other things - RTCs should be fewer, but apparently so are ladder accidents despite what I imagine is a major increase in DIY!, but they aren't having heart attack and stroke admissions either. She emphasised that ordinary emergency medicine is still working - so obviously somewhere there is a lack of communication.
I think this is certainly the case for Tesco. As the time for delivery gets closer more and more items get knocked off your list. No automatic substitutions are made . Certainly Morrison’s are different. They take from the warehouse and not the store and will give automatic substitutions that you can either accept or not as the case may be.
That’s interesting thanks. I did sign up for Morrison’s some week ago but they stopped their app fairly soon after and I haven’t managed to get a single slot with them! Good luck S x
Except Morrison’s only seem to deliver to certain areas. When I lived in Essex they didn’t deliver to our area.
Now I’m in Yorkshire they still don’t deliver to me - and they’re a Yorkshire based company!
How bizarre! The HQ is in Bradford!
Seems ridiculous doesn’t it!!
It is ridiculous because I’m going back a few years and there’s been little progress since. I thought it was down south where they hadn’t expanded to so am really surprised about here in Yorkshire. Think they’ll get some stick for it. I will be asking them what they’re playing at!
I asked for fresh garlic, but out of stock so they substituted with 4 large Oranges. Can anyone make the connection for me. I don't normally shop of line and find it really frustrating and time consuming(not that time matter).
No cant make that connection no matter how hard I try!! The pickers really do have some issues with replacements. YBB
Both used a lot in Italy???????? Was it Poops said she saw lemon juice offered as a substitute for yeast?
But be grateful - my daughter is shielding but her husband and son are doing the shopping: no flour, no sugar on the shelves. Wonder how long it would take a care package to get there?
Sorry to giggle but that is humourous somehow! I’ve never had anything like that and I gave to shop online for five months of each year on medical advice. I don’t think you have to accept the subs at any shop, though. S x
Normally you don’t. But on one site - can’t remember which one it states they will not take back subs at the moment!
Sainsbury’s cannot accept returns for self isolating customers at this time. If you require a refund for substitutions you need to phone their contact centre.
I have used Ocado regularly over 13 + years and found them consistently excellent and Waitrose a good 2nd. I’ve managed a couple of deliveries recently and they have kept in touch to keep me up to date though I’m not on the vulnerable list. I think they have just been completely overwhelmed by demand- I’ll be happy to to support them the future. Challenging times for everyone.
Ps I do not work for JL or Ocado x
I’ve always been a Waitrose shopper first (Sainsburys 2nd choice) , and recently with shoulder replace every week online - so I was a bit miffed initially - but I’ll give them a second chance - provided I can!
W/rose more convenient for me and easy to pick up JL parcels!
I have wasted hours it seems trying to get an order placed. Even after Sainsburys left a recorded message to say I could book a slot .,, no way Hozay! Received the vulnerable letter on Friday. Asda, 5 miles away immediately contacted me offering Click & Collect haven’t shopped with them for over 2 years. Waitrose impossible! Also let them know how i felt about their website on a survey. Then I managed to speak to a lovely man at Tesco who immediate upgraded me to Priority & there were limitless slots available the next day. I told him my husband is 74 & I’m not happy he is going to the supermarket (though he thinks it’s fine I don’t!) & he was very helpful, Small shops are doing deliveries but it’s nice to get a lot of the basics sorted & have that reassurance if we get ill we are sorted 😊
I only found I had been put on the list when I tried to book a slot and message came up but then no slots available, was told when I rang that they are rolling them out over the next week as they only got the list on Monday - guess it is a huge task
I tried ringing Sainsburys for four hours last week and Tesco for three hours and never got through. My shielded status came very late last week. Perhaps there are better tel numbers and I just don’t have them! I want to change the account holder name at both supermarkets so if anybody can share a telephone number with me I’d be grateful! My husband is older than me and has asthma and COPD so he’s not going out but not bad enough to be officially shielded. So as he’s the account holder we don’t get contacted I think! Thanks for any help, S x
My husband has spinal issues and asthma and is sheilded. He is only 58 so isnt getting it for being over 70 as well. You might need to query that with your gp. YBB
Surely oh is shielded too?? He should get on register as well as you then it may come through. I just used the 0345 number on the Tesco store local. All goes to the same place but may kick them up the right place.

No but I could register him! Thanks S x
Tesco no. 0800 9177359
WHY isn't asthma and COPD shielded? Should be - this is a pneumonia ... My nephew in Scotland is and he "only" has asthma.
It is amazing. There does not seem to be a logic sometimes.
Only stage four COPD I think. S x
Oh is sheilded because of his asthma and mum is with her copd.
My OH is shielded for asthma and COPD, I asked him what stage and he said never heard of stages but has 2/3 lung capacity. Him a scientist too. Hasn't stopped him changing the central heating all winter though! The coughing can be quite disconcerting, I don't think he is aware of it anymore. I take refuge in the greenhouse now the finer weather is here!
We've had a lot of trouble inspite of being regular customers with a fortnightly slot. I understand Ocado have the most automated system of all the grocers but you've guessed it - it was the least able to cope with the deluge of new customers. My son has been dealing with it for us and with perseverance they now say we are priority. (My OH is disabled). All the other supermarkets rely on people!!! I know how you feel - all the best.
That may be because one their biggest depots in Hampshire burned down last year in July and has yet to be rebuilt.
I've had a look at that and will certainly point it out to my son. When I have more time I will return to it. The place was unrecognisable after the fire. How devastating. Thank you for that. What I don't understand now is why if their system can only cope with x number of customers they took on (x + y) and so the system collapsed. Surely they knew the maximum they could take before overload?
I was listening to a worker who does the job of training workers in terms of collecting food and getting out for delivery. They got a new driver trained up, but the new drivers child got covid symptoms so they lost the driver and people at work who interacted with him who all had to isolate. It doesn't take many incidents like that happening to make any business start to flounder.
I shop regularly w Ocado and they are terrific. I think they are just overwhelmed.
So do I! Last delivery 18 March! Can't book a slot anyway. Why do the keep saying they're reserving slots for the vulverable when the aren't? When I email them about this all I get is a standard reply saying register on government website, which I did ages ago. I know that this worked because I had a phone call from a nice man at the council asking what my needs are. Full marks to the new Buckinghamshire Council, it had only existed for about 11 hours when he rang.
You got in early!!!!!
Not really, I had booked it 2 weeks before!!
No - meant the council!
Just luck, they rang me, a long chat we had. I explained that OH is COPD and is also shielding. Daughter is trapped in Berkshire and son will get a few things but struggles, commented that supermarkets are not his natural habitat! He does work in agriculture so is pretty tired at this time of year. All I asked for was a priority slot with a supermarket, but yesterday I found a food parcel on my doorstep! I fear if I go back and re-register without ticking the box saying I need help getting food I will fall off the supermarkets priority list. I guess things will sort themselves out before long and OH will get used to black coffee.
If you are shielded you should be on their list. I am hoping emergency box was just until the supermarket had details.
Info that may be useful.
I got my one and only slot with Tesco for delivery the following day this week - must have been my lucky day.!
However, not complaining, two items were missing so rang Tesco and spoke to this very helpful young man in Wales, he told me that!
After he’d refunded me I asked what was the situation with the gov lists, had they received them to which he said no. He then said but you can register with me now and asked a few Qs to ensure I qualified. He asked me if I was using their App - which I was - said to come out of it and log in again after 24 hours - as that’s the time it takes for them to update the system with my new details.
So from 5pm today I can log back in - go to Flexi Saver on the ‘book delivery’ slot and there will be 8 hour slots instead of I hour (whatever that means). Exciting times!
I know Sainsbury aren’t allowing any new registrations while waiting for ‘the list’.
Asda only booking one week ahead and presumably waiting for ‘the list’.
Waitrose are duly booked until July!
Happy shopping.
You can't choose the time so accurately - since you are supposed to be in lockdown it shouldn't matter Then they call you about an hour before they will arrive so you can look out for your goodies arriving.
I looked today and they said on the website they release slots at 6pm....look then but doubt anything will come up. I emailed them yesterday and it pinged back to say they are too busy to even answer emails. There is a telephone number maybe you should ring it. Why not.
I hope you can get food or someone can get it for you. I am only vulnerable since I have asthma but my two 20somethings can go out although my son gets really stroppy if they go out more than once a week.
Best of luck and stay well.
My husband has been given a slot by Tesco. We do not know why unless it is his age. I have heard nothing from the surgery of supermarkets and yet I have PMR but no other underlying health conditions.
Yesterday I phoned Tesco on an 0800 number I saw on line. Told them I had recieved a letter saying I was high risk. They took details and low and behold I got a priority slot this morning for Friday. I’ve bee. Trying for 2 weeks so this is a weight off my mind.
Yes I got an email from Tesco CEO to customers saying they had got 150,000 names or something and got 70,000 on their accounts told already so well worth it as they just look at computer.
Having the same problem with Ocado. All the slots go their smart pass holders, of which I am not, but my son and daughter-in-law are. They tell me that Ocado release quite a lot of slots each day, but the smart pass holders are given priority, and the others are allowed to log in after 6pm to take what's left - no delivery slots. I've given up, but I'm fortunate that my son will go to his nearest Waitrose and get some shopping for me. We also have a neighbourly help team here, and apparently since the pandemic 20 more young people have volunteered. Take my hat off to all of them.
I just for the heck of it tried to order on Ocado AND I was in a short queue and I have placed an order (family of 4). So try and try again. Funnily enough I emailed them yesterday just to ask when things would be calm enough to order (what did they think) and the email said they were too busy to reply to emails.....Good luck.
Tesco seem to be ahead of the game when I finally got through it was such a relief !