I recently had knee replacement surgery. It was very successful and I did very well with my PT. The one problem I have is swelling in the thigh, lower leg, ankle and foot on the leg that had the surgery. I have great range of motion and strength but the swelling inhibits what I can do and I get very tired. Surgeon made sure I had enough Prednisone to cover my surgery. I had severe swelling after surgery but a great deal of it went away in a matter of weeks. I think the remainder has to do with my PMR as also have slight shoulder pain, some swelling in fingers and problems sleeping. Go to see my doctor early next week and know she is trying to get me to taper but I think I am in a flare and should actually be on a higher dose. Currently at 10. Sorry this is so long but curious if anyone else has had similar surgery and what kind of results you had. Thank you 00Pain00
Knee Surgery: I recently had knee replacement... - PMRGCAuk
Knee Surgery

I know it’s not your knee specifically but just make sure the swelling is not connected to your surgery - there is some evidence that it can last up to six months after operation....and as you had problems initially it may be a factor. Have you tried using ice packs on the affected areas?
I had my left knee replaced last year - long time off Pred - and a brilliant result, but it put my inflammation markers through the roof - so it can affect your body in ways you aren’t necessarily expecting.
Your fatigue and other symptoms could well be the signs of a flare, or maybe just post op - so no reducing no matter what doctor says - and as you suggest maybe an increase is appropriate.
I had my knee surgery pre PMR and when the swelling remained after 6 months it was eventually found to be lymphoedema (apparently latent in the leg but triggered by the trauma of the surgery). Go with DL's advice but, if it persists after 6 months, get it checked out!
I had a total knee replacement in Feb this year, three years into PMR. My knee was swollen in an expected way....just the knee...for a few months. I had nothing like you with swelling throughout the leg. You don’t mention pain in the leg, so I presume you don’t have pain?
I like you recovered v well from the op, in that surgeon said I was ‘poster girl’ cos of how good my flexion and extension was. My recovery was complicated by two areas of very painful tendonitis, diagnosed by ultrasound .
I, like Dorset Lady, would like you to make sure all is well in your knee from your orthopaedic surgeon. Maybe an ultrasound might show what else is going on.
Bearing in mind you feel this might be a flare (shoulder discomfort) have you tried upping your dose a bit? Though a flare would not include a swollen leg would it?
Maybe the swelling is lymphoedema as it was with violetsnowdrop.
Not so much pain in my leg as a constant ache. Also shoulder discomfort and discomfort in the groin area....all things that I had before PMR diagnoses. All these on same leg as surgery so thought it was part of that. However, 7 weeks post op and I have other symtoms in fingers and both feet. I was just at surgeon and he is very pleased with knee and new xrays show everything is ok. I wil see what rheumatologist has to say on Monday.
My surgeon was really only interested in my ability to bend and extend my knee and that the X-ray showed everything was fine. Despite this I had a constant ache down left side of left knee down to the ankle. I pushed for an ultrasound and got another diagnosis. He said he had never seen tendonitis post knee replacement. Your problem does not sound much like mine, but it will pay you to push for scan/ ultrasound/MRI from orthodox or Rhuemy....whoever will organise it. Good luck!
Hi, I had full, knee replacement surgery in February. The first 8-10 weeks were hell! I thought I'd never make it through... but after that things seemed to subside; I still however get aches and pain in, and around my knee, if I do too much. I have not had any swelling though... even when I do over-do it. Talk to the Doc! Good luck!
I have had 3 replacement surgeries in the last 15 months. With all of them, I have had swelling in both legs, especially my feet which came to look like balloons 2 weeks post op. You don't say how long ago your op was. I am currently 5 weeks post hip replacement and the area around the wound is still pretty swollen as are my ankles.
My surgeon always worries about DVT when he sees how swollen I am but I think it is a combination of me being susceptible to swell plus Pred. which increases that too. It is like my waterworks become very sluggish and I have always needed a few diuretics to get it back up and running.
Please do be aware of the possibility of DVT though.
It sounds horrendous! At least you were aware of that potential after the second surgery. Hopefully all well. 🌻
Hi I also had a flare up after knee surgery.. just when I was nearly better . My consultant moved me onto methotrexate as she didn’t want me to be on steroids any lomger