Just as I was feeling as though people were actually thinking my quality of life was an important issue, when requesting more 5mg Pred tablets from the surgery yesterday, I had a call from a receptionist saying that my doctor would only allow me 14 days of Pred and that I shouldn't be on 10 mgs and must go down to 7 mg after two weeks! This after the Rheumy saying that my quality of life was important. Well as you can imagine, I was not amused! Difficult to have a go at the doctor through a third party, and kept on apologising for doing so, but I explained what the Rheumy had said and that I needed far more than 14 days supply even if I was to go down to 7 after the 2 weeks. She came back to me after a while and said that the doctor was 'allowing' me 28 days supply, and that she was waiting for the Rheumy's letter to see what it said. So is she saying she doesn't believe me? Think she is!
Too good to be true!: Just as I was feeling as... - PMRGCAuk
Too good to be true!

A set of people who don't know the first thing about PMR by the sound of things. I do hope the specialist's letter gets to the GP soon enough. I'd email the specialist if it were me. Or do you have more sensible GPs around?
The best thing about here is that you usually leave the specialist with a prescription for what you need as well as the letter, written and printed by the doctor while you wait. And the GP has direct access to your hospital notes - strangely, the hospital can't see the GP's notes.
That is totally unprofessional. I was think of asking Dr to up my pred as I realised they are prescribing for 6mg a day now not 14mg and I have had to up pred due to a flare. If they act like they don't know anything about pmr, then I am in trouble too. I hope you get it sorted out fully. 😤
I have booked a phone appt to get them to up the pred. Stung into action by your experience.

I was worried yesterday when i saw my gp because i had halted my taper due to real probs with shoulders which she knew about, but when i mentioned it she said i was very sensible in not trying to deal with both. Hopefully yours will not cause too much troublex
I suspect its not like your shoylder(s). When I saw the rheumy nurse she said if I needed more due to a flare take them. But they have gone on at 6mg. I should be prescribed 10mg a day, that would ensure I have spare. Hopefully they will get that. It the same Dr that I have been seeing so hoping she knows how stressors can impact symptoms. 🧟♀️

Fingers crossedxx
How long have you been on pred? Does it work for you at the level you are currently taking?
Its ridiculous the difference in gp's attitude. Maybe you need to look out for a new gp. Is that a possibility?
What is your doctor expecting you to do when you get to Day 15 and have run out of pred, have an adrenal crisis?
Quite, I am definitely going to see another doctor next time - I feel like knocking on all their doors and asking about their attitude to PMR ! Seriously though I think my best course of action is to contact my Rheumy's secretary and tell her my problem. It is so worrying not knowing whether or not my doctor is going to allow me more Pred. She has said in the past about it being addictive!!!!!
Is your doctor actually qualified? She really is talking gibberish, the sad thing is you are suffering because of her ineptitude.
I have no idea what is going on over there, but since when to nurse's and receptionist prescribe medications and dosages?
I'd be sitting in his/her waiting room right now, ready to throw a fit if they wouldn't talk to me and straighten things out.
Then again, I'm just an arrogant Yank expecting to get what I pay for - me through insurance (which I also pay for) and you through NHS, for which you've paid taxes for decades.
Jeezaloo, you'd think you were having a party on Pred, meanwhile they're handing out opioids like M & Ms.
This kind of stress really doesn’t help. I had a surreal time trying to explain why I needed my prescription in 1 mg tablets for tapering purposes. The pharmacist’s bossy assistant just didn’t get it, even though the surgery had authorised it. Then I eventually received a vast quantity on top of my normal monthly supply. They expire in 2020!
The whole 1mg supply thing is getting unreal. I missed a call from my GP's surgery yesterday and, when I rang back, was told it was their pharmacist who had called me. Anticipating that this was about the scarcity of Img I left a message with the receptionist explaining that I was on a taper which required 1, 2.5 and 5mg and was promised a call back which didn't materialise. Don't know whether to let sleeping dogs lie or try to ring back today. I know from the pharmacist at my supplying pharmacy that they can't fill my request for this month and don't know how long this is going to go on.
Feel so sorry for you ! I do not go to a specialist, instead my GP is my advisor etc. In 11 months I am down from 20mg to 4mg. He basically leaves it up to me, as I am the one inhabiting this body. So far he has only cautioned me to go slowly. I may have gone a little fast in decreasing, but I am managing OK. I don't see him until next December, unless I have an upset of some kind. Hope you manage to find some "understanding" physician.
Forgot to mention, I love you name. I miss my Dobermans a great deal, even though I now have a very nice Border Collie/Golden Labrador mix,
How annoying and ridiculous!! Can you see another GP in the practice?
Can you’re Rheumy not give you a prescription? Mine gives me one which covers the six months between visits. I haven’t had to deal with my gp for any PMR issues since I was diagnosed.