Hello everyone, I’m sorry I haven’t replied yet to everyone who responded to my earlier post about all the stress of the last months plus a move. Thank you for all your support. I know I whined quite a bit! We moved a month ago but are still getting settled. I did a lot of moaning about stresses, financial, family, worried about communicating with my doctor, a broken down car, and more. Since the move a lot of stress has been alleviated since my sister doesn’t pay our rent anymore, and I did get my car fixed, all be it temporarily.....it’s OK if i stay pretty close to home.
When all this started in April I had gotten down to 10mg and started tapering to 9., . from originally being at 40. when diagnosed in January 2018, but I starting to have pain and symptoms. Bloods had gone up, my rheumatologist suggested going up 1-3 mg. Thank goodness I finally found one who listens! They are out there if you don’t give up, this is my third one and I’m slowly beginning to trust her.
So May, June, and July I crept up until I was at 13 mg when the movers came on July 30. Had lots of pain for 2 weeks after the move. I think I posted about that. Had X-rays of hips, showed just mild arthritis. I think my weak muscles were just overwhelmed and protesting.
To get to the point! I want to start reducing again but I seem to be afraid and anxious to lower my dose.
I’ve gotten way off my low-carb eating plan and doing too much emotional eating and finding it hard to plan and cook meals. I just don’t want to!
Oh and we had a fire scare 2 Miles from us last week! They put it out pretty quickly but It really scared me. Everything is bone dry and there are at least 2 months left of fire season. We’re in Northern California in the foothills. We moved farther up and the forest is closer now.
Im pretty discouraged that I’m back at the dose where I was at the beginning of March.
Here are my lab results:
4/22 2.9 mg/L. (0-9)
6/7. 24.3
6/25. 7.7. After raising pred
7/30. 2.9
Sed rate:
4/22. 8. (0-30)
6/7. 27
6/25. 12
I’ve been at 13. Mg for 5 weeks and I fell OK if I pace myself and rest enough except for being anxious. I want to start my slow taper again, don’t know why I’m so afraid since the move is over and many of my stressors have eased.
What is your advice wise and knowledgeable ones?
Hope you excuse this long and disjointed post. 💖💖