Like many here I’ve very difficult experiences with rheumies.
I was diagnosed in Jan 18 with PMR/GCA and put on 40 mg of pred. Some of you may remember my first rheumatologist fired me from his practice because I didn’t follow his reduction orders and the second one verbally abused me and told me I was killing myself with pred, I finally was able to get an appointment with a new one in April of this year. I had managed to reduce to 10 mg by then. I showed her the slow taper plan that I planned to use going forward, and she listened, said I was doing well and to continue doing what I was doing.
Soon after that a lot of stuff happened! My car died and I was without it for three months, my son who I live with had a gout attack that made him miss work and didn’t get better with the usual meds, it lasted for months. We are very low income and him missing work was a major stress.
Then by a miracle we were offered an apartment in a government low-income senior apartment with affordable rent, which was good news!!, But it involved massive paperwork, documentation, medical qualification from doctors, interviews, appointments, etc. then all the packing, hiring movers, etc. we moved 3 weeks ago.
Meanwhile soon after I saw the new rheumatologist in April I had started having problems with the reduction to 9mg. Lot of hip, knee, muscle pain etc. I saw the new rheumatologist again beginning of June and spilled out all my stresses to her, she listened and didn’t blame all my symptoms on the pred which was a new experience for me! I had CRP and Sed rate tested both of which were up, so she told me to try raising my pred 1-3 mg. I went to 12 which really helped the pain, the blood markers went down also.
The next week the movers came and we moved with our two cats, not easy!
We moved on a Saturday and by the next day I could barely walk. Worst pain in my hips and knees ever. Couldn’t sleep, pain all over. I added another 1 mg, and I’ve been on 13 mg post move for three 1/2 weeks now. The pain is almost all gone except for my right hip which hurts if I bear weight on it on getting up or down, like getting out of the bathtub. Could this just be arthritis or bursitis? We are still somewhat unsettled in the new place, some things need repair, but the affordable rent is a gift to us and to my sister who was helping us financially and wanted to retire but we were keeping her from it. Major stress.
So I’m looking for advice on beginning to taper again to get back to where I was 4 months ago at 10.
I’ve been dealing with a lot of anxiety since the move, I can’t relax!, and I’ve also lost about 7 lbs since April.
I want to keep on good terms with my rheumy after my previous disasters, so I thought I should contact her about where I am now and get the bloods done again to see if they are raised or if it’s OK to reduce now.
Please excuse this rambling post! I Any advice or your thoughts are gratefully appreciated!