The age old question - what is causing my symptoms?
For the past weeks I’ve been having increased joint, hand, and shoulder tendon pain, the tendon pain is worse on the right side. I have arthritis in some joints.
Ibuprofen alleviates some pain, the tendon pain not so much. I have been diagnosed with a torn shoulder tendon .
When I missed a pred dose last week I took 5 mg more for only a day and had a lot less pain everywhere.
For 3-4 days my tinnitus has been much worse, now joined by an annoying echoing sensation when I’m speaking. Hearing is worse on the right side. Had two ocular migraines last week on especially tiring days. Some occasional pain on the right occipital area. The occipital area is where I first had pain when diagnosed with GCA 6 years ago.
I’m without a rheumatologist at present.
My primary care doctor had been prescribing my pred but not really monitoring anything. She stopped prescribing it and referred me to a new practice for the pred prescription. I haven’t seen a new rheumatologist at another practice.
Our system is so backed up, it takes weeks to get anything done.
I’m in the US. Currently on 9 mg. Pred.
Not sure how to sort this out.
ENT, opthomologist, primary care? Find a new rheumy? None of whom communicate with each other.
Thank you for any advice or shared experiences.