When I was first diagnosed I was given Adcal by the specialist GP, I took these for a month, when I saw my GP she said she had a better calcium supplement that you only have to take once a day. She gave me theical-D3 1000mg/880iu chewable tablets. They contain less calcium than the adcal. Does anyone else have this one. I haven’t seen it mentioned on here. I have read that it is better to take 500mg twice a day for better absorption. I also eat calcium rich foods, can you have too much calcium? I feel there is so much to learn and understand and I can only get that from here, I have no confidence in my GP. I have many moments of feeling totally overwhelmed with it all 😥 feeling a bit sorry for myself this morning and have to put a smile on my face as I have work today.
Calcium/vitD: When I was first diagnosed I was... - PMRGCAuk

Hello, the experts will be along. But first, take a breath, calm. You need to be in a fit state for work. I know you feel overwhelmed and want to get things right. These details will be sorted in time as you learn more; nothing is going to drop off in the meantime. I ended up buying my own calcium and vitK and got high dose vitD3 from the GP because the high dose Ca gave me cystitis. What will make a difference is if you become anxious about optimising and stressed on top of putting your body through working. If there’s anything these conditions thrive on and that’s stress. Also, I’ve come to realise that the goalposts change all the time, so it’s not a case of finding a fix and sticking to it, often one has to go back to the drawing board when there’s new information or your body has other ideas. There is time to work out these details, just not this morning, it can wait.
Thank you I appreciate all you say and I know you are right., i’M learning each day is different, some days I feel fine and forget I have PMR then the next day it pops up to remind me!
Probably because on the day you forgot you did too much - and the next day it came back to bite!!
That’s exactly it! I will learn eventually 😂
Have you seen this before?
Sorry if I've given it you before...

As SnazzyD says - please calm down - no point in getting stressed over a tablet 😳.
I know it’s not just a tablet it’s the whole thing - and yes it is overwhelming at times.
You have a right to feel sorry for yourself - it’s not your fault you’ve got this illness - it just happened, like it happened to all of us - out of the blue - for no apparent reason!
I know you have to adjust things - but it’s not life threatening like cancer or heart problems - and you will get through this - I promise!
As for Adcal versus the new tablet - I honestly don’t know anything about it - so can’t advise- but someone will - probably HeronNS when Canada wakes up. But I think you might be right about taking it as 2 smaller doses.
Now put that smile on, we’ll be by your side to help you through the day, and the next, and the next..
Eventually I moved to a Calcium rich diet plus vit D and Vit K2 for improved absorption. I found that Adcal was giving me severe bladder irritation. My Dexa scans have been good ( bone density).

As the others have said - don't worry NOW, in fact, don't worry. You won't crumble in a heap in the corner for waiting to work this all out at the weekend - and when it comes to much of what is going on, it'll wait until next week or even next month. The only thing that would be urgent is any signs of GCA.
Well she may think a larger dose once a day is better - but most experts would disagree with her! You are quite right - the body doesn't absorb more than about 500-600 mg at a time so 2 doses of less actually allows you to get more. That's why the specialist GP gave you AdCal. If you need more vit D don't increase those tablets - get yourself a pure vit D supplement, you would get far too much calcium with extra tablets but dietary calcium plus AdCal is usually fine - if you could get all you need from diet that would be even better but it is quite an ask and I really couldn't manage it. You need the supplement purely to make sure there is excess calcium available to get the amount the bones need - pred makes you lose more calcium through the kidneys. Having too much supplement may cause bladder irritation and cystitis, I found it only happened when I was not drinking enough on a given day, when travelling for example. As long as I drink my usual amount I don't have problems.
Yes it is all overwhelming - but this isn't something you have to get all worked out in a few days and what works for me may not work for you, you will find out the best way to work around PMR during your journey. And the advantage of us compared with the GP is that we know what it is really like, someone will be around here 24/7, you don't need an appointment and the replies come in writing!
It'll be fine - and how is work?
I have been on adcal since diagnosis but my last appointment with a new Rheumy saw him prescribing risedronate sodium (one tablet per week and you have to been upright for an half an hour after taking it) - I also have a bone density scan tomorrow afternoon.
I wouldn't be taking the risendonate BEFORE I had the results of the dexascan to know I needed it! Risendronate is supposed to be less hard on the stomach - but it is still a bisphosphonate.
I haven't started taking it yet, was thinking of waiting to the result of the scan too. Thanks PMRpro
Radiologist told me after the Dexscan that I have very strong bones at the moment - so all good on that front. 8=)
No risendronate for now then!!!!
I take Risedronate because my bone density scan proved that I have osteoporosis. I've been taking it for 2 years and a recent repeat scan showed a slight improvement in my bone density. I asked my GP if I could come off the Risedronate and he's (sort of) promised that (maybe) when I get to 5mg pred / day!
I've had no gastric problems with it.
Fingers crossed that your bone density is OK.
Bless you. I have some days like that, I’m so lucky I don’t have to go to work. I do hope you’re getting through the day today ok and someone on here has been able to answer your technical questions. Big hug to you 🤗
I swtiched to Microcrystalline hydroxyapatite concentrate. I Liked what i read about it. So far no side effects. Haven't had a dexa scan since being on it.
Hope this helps.
A little info about it;
Microcrystalline hydroxyapatite concentrate (MCHC) is derived from whole bone and is available as a nutritional supplement. It provides much greater nourishment than just calcium. ... Trace minerals also act as cofactors for several enzymes involved in the production of the organic portion of bone.
Hydroxyapatite Concentrate
25% Calcium1.Well Absorbed calcium source.
2.Comprehensive bone nourishment.
Provides organic constituents and mineral components.
Is Microcrystalline hydroxyapatite concentrate prescribed in the UK?