I am 76, Last year about this time I was scheduled for Shoulder Replacement Surgery. One week before the surgery I was hit by not being able to get out of bed or get off the toilet without help. Pain in all my joints. All the symptoms people report. I eat healthy, exercise, meditate and basically am low stressed. I do have Osteo Arthritis.
It was during the Christmas season and my Health Care Team had time off for the Holidays. My wife took me to KP Emergency Care. It was slow at the time and so two Dr's and four interns started asking questions. After awhile an intern asked does it hurt in both shoulders, both hands and both knees. Yes. Did it hit you all at once. Yes....BINGO.
They put me on a Prednisone, "taper down" program starting at 30mgs. Within a few hours I started feeling better and next day, normal. Symptoms were gone. I am Living a healthy life and have stayed on the program.
One year, no flare ups, no side affects and down to 1mg. of Prednisone and once again ready for my Shoulder Replacement Surgery.
Prednisone keeps the pain away and.... I won't go blind... Nuf said.