Anyone had similar scenarios? I really do think it is stress, and not always bad stress.
Me? Lived my life 100 miles an hour and loved it. I was a computer project manager with a brilliant team developing Internet projects and an award-winning Intranet system ( Intranet was small web just developed for inside the company but we won the CBI award for best new Intranet).
Before work every morning would make a 45 minute drive, swim 1 Kilometre at a pool near work, then into work at 8:00am. Loved the swim, exercise and meditation combined. Ready to go.
Next project to renegotiate 268 supplier contracts to get a better deal for my employer ( sympathy to Theresa – Brexit?) before being seconded to the team which managed the outsourcing of my own department to an external company. Spouse very ill. Car dying.
Early retirement due to a very ill spouse, and kn*ckered car, but can't resist a challenge can I ? Started my own internet business which we ran for 7 years. Made profit from year 1 then sold the business to our biggest trade customer. During this time spouse became more ill and I had to fight tooth and nail to get help for him. Succeeded, 'cos I'm like that.
Next was the deaths of my much loved elderly neighbours, ( who we loved more than close family and still mourn) and in due course, the arrival of the new neighbours from hell. These unmentionables have cost us thousands of pounds in damage to our property due to irresponsible excavations which have dragged out the foundations to our walls and caused damage. Every avenue explored and no legal support or recompense.
Then amongst all this my Uncle and Aunt, who were childless ask me to be their power of attorney because my much loved Uncle is terminally ill with cancer. My Uncle died and my lovely stoic Aunt, after nursing him at home, tried to soldier on, but fell and broke her hip. Eventually ending up in a care home, near her friends but a 50 mile round trip away from me. But hey - she's happy!
When GCA really started to manifest I was preparing for a get-together of old friends at my house. As always 30ish people were coming to party and stay the weekend in spare beds, tents in the garden, bed in my spouse's van. Whatever. I love these weekends these are my oldest and dearest friends. Comments were like ' how do you do this?' 'Where do you get your energy?'. At that time the answer was 'wine and Naproxen' but I was struggling to chew my food due to jaw pain.
Two weeks later and my cousins are visiting from Australia. It all unravels. My GP (thank you Doc!) hauls me in and sends me to urgent care because he has diagnosed GCA. I'm stressing about missing my cousins and they're all telling me I'm seriously ill and need urgent treatment. Heck !'
Anyway, what have I learned ?
I truly think stress played a major part for me, and a lot was self-generated. Retrospectively, I look at what I am doing. Still, to this day, I project manage my life. I set myself targets and deadlines. ' I must finish the ironing by 12:00 mid-day'. Why? It's ridiculous. I can see it now, but it's how I was (am) built. Pill before jam. Do the chore, then you can relax. Why? If you don't feel like it don't do it. Nobody's going to die.
I am learning about my bossy self. I never drove my team at work, I drove me, I would defend them to the hilt because they did their best and it was good. The pressure was my responsibility, not theirs.
Sorry for the long post. The message is don't rant, don't drive yourself. CHILL. And love to all. X