Hi folks . Got myself into a state here . Need to speak to someone . Have bad bad anxiety health related . I have had every blood test done a scan of liver pancreas gallbladder and kidneys and spleen all normal . No swallowing issues no vomiting no bowel problems . I have it in my head that I have pancreatic or eusophigeal cancer . Even although Doc said no symptoms showing. Can someone talk some sense into me please .
Scared stiff : Hi folks . Got myself into a state... - PMRGCAuk
Scared stiff

Hello, I’m sorry you have got yourself into this entrenched state of worry. I think you would be helped better by having some counselling to deal with this anxiety rather than hoping someone can say something to wipe it all away on the Internet. If normal results aren’t helping to allay your fear I suspect there is more to this. For what it’s worth, cases over the years that I have seen have presented with sudden jaundice with no pain.
Hi Ladyjackie37
I am so sorry to hear how distressed you feel. It is really hard to think logically when you are so stressed. Are you able to try relaxing your whole body and allow your mind to slow down to a point when it will respond to your positive suggestions about all the negative tests showing
that your worries are unfounded. If you could do this on a regular basis it should help your unconscious to accept these facts. You would not have been told that all tests were negative unless it were true try to think that all tests were done to exclude any illness and they have done so.
My thoughts are very much with you at this time. Sending warm hugs and Love

If you have had scans you have a degree of confidence it isn't either - but us telling you it isn't won't make much difference if you suffer from health anxiety. You need professional help for that too.
I see though that you are part of the pancreatic cancer group - we on this forum have an illness that is nothing to do with any symptoms you might experience so can't really help beyond expressing our sympathy for your fears.
Hi Ladyjackie37. Abnormal anxiety about your health is an unpleasant and serious psychological disorder that can be frightening and debilitating. Relief from negative tests is short- lived and your mind then moves on to another symptom, another potentially serious condition. You need strategies to help you deal with this condition. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy has been found to be effective in the understanding and treatment of this disorder. I would strongly recommend that you set up some therapy for yourself. It will set you free I promise. Obviously private therapy is very expensive and counselling on the NHS is difficult to access. Please talk to your GP if this is an issue for you. This should be the focus of your next appointment. Wishing you all the best for your future health and happiness. Jane x
Please seek help! Anxiety is impossible to fix yourself. I know, I have it. Sending thoughts and prayers.
Ohhhhh Ladyjackie37... I too have anxiety issues and know how hard it is to get something out of your head once it's in there! My 59 year old brother died from pancreatic cancer (10 years ago) and for years, I was 100% sure I too had the dreaded disease and was going to die. Although I had limited symptoms (pain mostly) I had every test my good old American insurance (and my co-payment) could buy! This went on for years... I have even had a abdomen scan here in the UK as my symptoms became worse. (Turns out I have bouts of IBS)
Anyway, what helped me break this destructive, negative, self talk was the realisation that I HAVE NO CONTROL!
I have no control over anything except how I react to things!
Even if I did/do have this or another fatal disease, there is NOTHING I can do about it except deal with it, as it unfolds itself to me.
Worrying about it will CHANGE NOTHING! So why waste the energy. Save the energy for the real demons.
I became very involved in the death and dying movement. I took a course and became a "Doula to the Dying," (aka an end of life companion). I then took a job in a nursing home and then in a hospital. I volunteered at a local hospice as an end of life companion and became a member of their chaplency team, visiting patients who were dying. I have facilitated Death Cafe's and read many many books about death and dying.... and you know what? I know (well I am 99% convinced) that I have NO CONTROL over my fate, so when my number is up I am confident that I will face it straight on.
If it's death your afraid of try volunteering at a local hospice. If it's sickness your afraid of maybe you can volunteer at a nursing home or hospital... I found being around critically/terminally ill people one of the most inspiring, positive, life changing experiences I had ever had.
Don't let your fears rule your life.... it is such a waste of time.

Melissa I am in even more awe at you. How wonderful that you were pro active re your anxiety. You are a fricken superstar. I bet you will inspire everyone who reads this xxx
HA! Superstar? Me thinks NOT! I may have conquered my anxiety of death, but I still can't do malls! xxxxx

Yes but to have been so pro active is very impressive and would have taken masses of courage. I want to give you a big pat on the back because we are not very good at doing that for ourselves are we xxx
As mamici1 said, you have no control over when your number will be up and worrying about it will just make you feel even more ill than you already feel. It enhances your symptoms and wastes energy and time that could be used to help you recover. Anxiety is not a nice thing to have to deal with and is very difficult to deal with even with professional help. Like others have suggested, getting that help is a very good idea. Sometimes channelling your energies into an absorbing hobby may be helpful so that each time you start getting these feelings of anxiety concentrate on whatever hobby you have chosen to the exclusion of everything else as far as possible and hopefully this will direct your fears into a more positive state. But please consider professional help to deal with it.
Oh you poor darling. I’m sorry. I’ve been there I was consumed with hypochondria. There is help. Xxxx
Sorry to read you have got yourself into such a state, it’s very easy to become overwhelmed by worry, have you had a recent illness/symptoms to make you think you may have one of these conditions or a close member of your family?
You really need to go back to your GP & let him/her know how you feel & hopefully they can arrange counselling for you. In the meantime hang on to the fact you’ve had these tests & all the results are normal.
Very Best Wishes 🌺

Dear Mrs Nails thank you for your lovely reply . I have got myself into a terrible state. Can’t get out of bed at all and I am in a constant state of bad anxiety .i go one day bowel cancer and then it’s something else . Scan says normal bloods normal been to a@e 4 times and they can’t find anything . I can’t get myself feeling ok at all .
Ah Bless You Ladyjackie, you are having a bad time, perhaps you need to discuss these fears with your GP - if you can write down all your fears & concerns, is it possible for you to request a double appointment at your surgery? Maybe it’s time for you to have some treatment for your anxiety & possibly an appointment with a Councillor to discuss your fears.
I do wish you well 🌺
Please let us know how you get on.
Best Wishes
MrsN 🌺
You got yourself in a hole and need help getting out of it. The mean time try to stop digging. Focus on writing a journal for the things you are grateful for. The brain can not feel worry when you are focused on gratitude. My rheumatologist advised me not to read too much about the symptoms . Rather focus on a healthy life style, keep active, eat healthy and keep writing your gratitude journal.