I have GCA/PMR for the second time. For the past 6 weeks I’ve been taking 3mg prednisone and Actemra injections every other week. Since then, I have had ear pressure, and a throat that feels swollen. I’ve read that GCA can cause ear problems. Has anyone else experienced this? There are no visual symptoms, but I’m thinking maybe increase my prednisone? I hate to yo-yo around with the dose, it is it worth a try?
GCA Ear pressure and stiff neck: I have GCA/PMR for... - PMRGCAuk
GCA Ear pressure and stiff neck

Hello, there isn’t much to go n here. can you describe the swollen throat a bit more? Is it sore? Is it inside or outside? Any viral symptoms or mucus hanging around? By ear pressure, do you mean if feels stuffed up as if there is something in the ear canal?
Hi Snazzy, it’s not like a regular sore throat. Just feels swollen, mostly near the inside of my ears, and muscles in the neck. I have had a chest cold a few weeks ago but that has resolved. No sinus issues though. In the past I’ve had similar symptoms, but always with temporal pain so I upped the pred. Could it be the Actemra causing infections?
No pain or discomfort at all?. After a cold, fluid can hang around in the middle ear for weeks even when all other tubes and spaces are fine. Sometimes a simple ear exam can show fluid behind the eardrum. Have you tried chewing menthol gum to help the eustacian tube unblock to help drainage? .
I’d be seeking advice before bumping up the dose because there are aspects that don’t fit with your GCA. If there is an infection, the increased Pred might mask it.
My GCA ear problems were more hearing loss, tinnitus and motion sickness.

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The work was done before Covid and the paper published just before it kicked off so didn't get the attention it deserves.
Thank you PMRpro, I saved the full version. I don’t have tinnitus nor loss of balance or hearing but something is going on, that’s why I was wondering if 3mg pred is enough. Doctors have said they don’t see any infection.
This is really interesting PMRpro. I had vertigo for over a year before the temporal headaches started and I was diagnosed. Maybe another symptom to which GPs should be made aware.
yes that’s been my whole story with this PMR/GCA journey!! thanks for your reply!
I’ve had ear stuffiness, discomfort for the last 3 months, it radiates to my right side of the throat, painful to swallow, even with brushing the teeth , is an unusual discomfort, bought ear drops from Amazon have found some relief ,