Cannabis Oil to be available on prescription in u... - PMRGCAuk


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Cannabis Oil to be available on prescription in uk within a month

31 Replies

The Sunday Telegraph is reporting:

'Cannabis oil will be available on prescription to people with chronic pain across the UK within a month, it has been reported Currently cannabis-derived medicines are only prescribed in exceptional circumstances, when permission is granted by a panel of medical experts, but the Home Office is set to relax the rules. Home Secretary Sajid Javid has sanctioned the ‘rescheduling’ of cannabis-derived medicines in Parliament and an announcement is expected within two weeks paving the way for it to be prescribed almost immediately.

There will be specialist doctors who will prescribe cannabis medicines and patients will no longer be forced to try other drugs before using cannabis-derived treatments. People suffering with chronic pain, epilepsy, nausea as a result of chemotherapy and MS will be among those who will be first to be prescribed the drugs'.

I believe there are some with PMR who use cannabis; is that instead of steroid or alongside? Any thoughts on whether this development may be helpful to those with PMR? Be interesting to see whether NHS Wales adopts this and who and where the 'specialist doctors' will be.

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31 Replies
PMRpro profile image

Interesting - but I'll believe it when I see it!

The general opinion of PMR-ers using CBD oil is it doesn't do much for PMR though some find they can sleep better. Use the search box at the top right and put CBD oil in - you will get a list of past posts about it.

in reply to PMRpro

Thanks, I'll take a look. I suspect availability for many conditions will be very limited based on cost. Steroids and pain killers are cheap.

HeronNS profile image
HeronNS in reply to

Some years ago, before CBD became a thing, I read that the hemp industry was pouring the source oil down the drain as a useless byproduct. I find it hard to believe the high cost is really justified although I suppose it's not simple to refine it to medicine grade specifications. Hemp seed has been available in quantity for many years and when I used to eat breakfast cereal I'd put a tablespoon on my helping. I take a spoonful or two every day of hemp seed oil, but it's derived from the seeds, not the leaves. The leaves are where all the active ingredients are but the seeds are a good source of omega-3 (although not as effective as marine sources). Hemp is also a source of fibre, clothes can be made from it. I was told that in earlier days Acadians (the French settlers of what became the Maritime Provinces) were actually required to grow hemp as one of their crops because it was such a useful plant. It's quite puzzling how this plant became so demonized over the past century.

in reply to HeronNS

I remember a huge hoo ha in the uk when people were growing cannabis from budgie food. Trill budgie food contained, presumably, hemp which was being sorted out by some to set from seed and grow cannabis. I think part of the demonisation arises from an popular (but incorrect) assumption in the early 1970s that cannabis was the first step on the downward spiral to heroin abuse. Odious tabloid press control.

HeronNS profile image
HeronNS in reply to

But it was illegal long before that.

in reply to HeronNS

Yes, but no one realised budgie food contained seeds to grow dope until they were removed.

SheffieldJane profile image

I can imagine that it might be comforting for the pain but would not do much for the potentially dangerous inflammation. Also most of us are plagued by fatigue which I imagine that cannabis oil would make worse.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to SheffieldJane

Cannabinoids actually have a very potent antiinflammatory effect and that has been known for a few years.

Seriously, I'd like to see a study on them as steroid sparers.

in reply to PMRpro

Thanks for posting that link PMRPro. Haven't seen that paper, but I remember reading about possible anti inflammatory benefits pre PMR when looking for OA pain relief.

Anything 'cannabis' related seems to have been demonised because of perceptions associated with drug abuse. And it suits big pharma. There's no evidence, other than anecdotal, about potential pain relief or anti inflammatory effect and I agree; it's an area crying out for clinical trial.

PMRCanada profile image
PMRCanada in reply to PMRpro

I will create a new post to respond with my thoughts about this subject. Very interesting (and hopeful).

SheffieldJane profile image
SheffieldJane in reply to PMRpro

That is really interesting and yes it would be a vast improvement on current steroid sparers. Thank you for posting. So the medical establishment have been ignoring a potent, useful drug through prejudice. What’s the betting that they will be as grudging and as suspicious as they are of Pred.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to SheffieldJane

Not just prejudice - lack of evidence too.

in reply to SheffieldJane

I guess we just don't know. My fatigue, which I thought was bad prior to PMR diagnosis, has increased beyond anything I'd have thought possible since taking steroids. To a level where some days make it difficult to function, physically and mentally.

So, is this par for the PMR, or something different, or an unwelcome steroid response? I've no idea and I guess most experts would be unable to provide a definitive answer.

Steroids are treating a PMR symptom; reduce inflammation and it seems to relieve specific PMR pain, which is excellent. But we know there's a potential cost in terms of other risks. It's unlikely, but a controlled trial to test risk/benefits of cannabis based treatment should be on the cards.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to

I suppose I have been lucky - pred definitely didn't increase the fatigue for me but I know it does for some.

powerwalk profile image
powerwalk in reply to

Oh with you on the fatigue. Its just crippling. Much more bothersome now than the pain. It totally reduces the quality of life. I already suffered from fatigue (ME and Fibro) but went to whole new levels with this PMR/Steroid thing. Waiting for the magic day when I feel more human.

fren profile image
fren in reply to SheffieldJane

It is almost impossible to identify cause and effect when illnesses are often multiple and complex and the same with treatments.

But--- since taking CBD oil I simply feel better.

Pain and stiffness are much reduced, I have lost 10kg in weight, and can`t remember when I last had the "deadly fatigue". As a totally never sporty 72yr old I now really enjoy gentle physiotherapy twice a week in a warm pool after a workout in the physio gym, also twice weekly swims in the local baths.

I collect my granddaughter from college, swimming and gymnastics, and 4 times a week shop and cook for our family of five. I still can't walk far enough to walk my dog, but will get there.

I am currently on 3 3/4 mg pred. reducing as I feel able.

I cannot prove to myself or anyone else the effectiveness of CBD oil but if it ONLY reduces my backpain or lifts my mood it is hugely beneficial to my quality of life,[not to mention the extra vitamins].

SheffieldJane profile image
SheffieldJane in reply to fren

Well you’ve sold me fren. I would give a great deal to feel as good as you do.

Margaret1951 profile image

No thank you 😱 Would not like the effects, stick to my painkillers x

in reply to Margaret1951

This is cannabis oil for medical use; the hallucinogenic part has been removed.

Margaret1951 profile image
Margaret1951 in reply to

That's good news then !! I sure need something at the moment as this last few weeks I am living in hell with my legs !! Went hospital Monday to see if I could get early appointment for X-ray (was 22nd oct) told them the pain is now out of control,I swear in bed when I try and turn over and cry as my right leg gets stuck. Within 20mins I was changed and had both hips and pelvis Xrayed. The lady who did it came back and said they look ok to her ! But I see my doctor next Thursday and will get proper results. So what the heck is wrong with me ?????

Is it bad flare up of my PMR. ???

I don't know anymore 😭😭 both my knees are hurting, right hip worse than left, muscles getting stuck and sore, walking upstairs one step at a time because hurts like hell right hip so can't lift it much at all. Limping because of it, still bad sitting down, leg locks up if I try and put them up.

God......... I am a mess, depressed, it's getting worse !!

I tried upping preds from 10 to 15mg for a week and no different, now taking around 5 to 6 in morning, no different, what am I doing wrong !!

If X-rays are ok doctor is going to test me for bursitis next.

I am also going for blood tests for inflammation once I see him.

Sorry this is long as I am letting off steam here, crying with soreness etc not long took zapain and hope it helps.

I just need answers if someone has them please please please

Margaret1951 profile image
Margaret1951 in reply to Margaret1951

Sorry taking mornings am not mg

in reply to Margaret1951

Hi Margaret, I'm sorry to hear how bad your pains are; I hope you get some help when the dr sees you. To be honest, the symptoms you describe aren't like those I've had with PMR. But I'm no medic and everyone is different. PMR pain and mobility difficulty, as I understand things, respond well to steroid treatment. Fingers crossed for you.

Margaret1951 profile image
Margaret1951 in reply to

Thank you, had a shit of a day and nearly went casualty ! I just can't remember what I was like when I first had it, I know I was bad then but that's almost 6 yrs ago. Only another 8 days to go of pain 😱

Brizzleben profile image

“Theresa May’s husband Philip’s Capital Group is the largest investor in GW Pharmaceuticals, which mass produces cannabis” so we might just see this change come about.

powerwalk profile image

Is this just the oil that you can get already in health shops or over the internet? Or "real" cannabis ?? Just asking because I have tried the oil several times and it is VERY expensive but have not found it any good for pain. Though everyone is different of course.

in reply to powerwalk

I don't know enough to understand the difference between the 'oil' available in health shops etc and the medicinal product. Except the hallucinogenic bit has been stripped out.

I've looked at cannabis oil from Holland and Barrett and thought it was too dilute for benefit...but I don't know. I also looked at a 40% extract, costs £399.99 for a small bottle. Two issues; it's been unavailable for over 4 months (wonder if they're hoping to secure Gvt contract to supply NHS...) and I'd want to be sure that for that kind of outlay, what benefit I could expect and that as a bit woolly. Thing is, if it's not used at pro private strength, benefits may be zilch. So it's trying to strip out speculative marketing in a field open to abuse. Very tricky.

HeronNS profile image
HeronNS in reply to

It's a little more complicated. There are many different compounds found in cannabis. Different ones can be extracted. I suppose one could also refer to tetrahydrocannabinol as a "byproduct" of cannabidiol production?

powerwalk profile image
powerwalk in reply to HeronNS

Yes - very complicated to get your head around it all.

Jazzys profile image

CBD has not helped me. It is legal in all but three states in the USA. Cannabis had also not been helpful. It also compounds my weight issues. Between prednisone and the munchies I would always be hungry.

HeronNS profile image
HeronNS in reply to Jazzys

Legal in all but three states yet persons wishing to cross the border into the US are forbidden from doing so if they have even a whiff of association with marijuana, even if they've never personally used it.

Gaycreasey profile image

I use CBD plus oil when I can feel the inflammation building up and Pred is not cutting it. Also sometimes at night my body won’t relax. One dose and I’m off to noddy land. My friend had been suffering with awful pain for weeks because of a trapped nerve in his shoulder. He was prescribed cocodomol but it wasn’t dealing with the pain and was also making him feel fuzzy headed and sick. Over the course of a couple of days he was off the pain meds and he said that the pain had reduced significantly and was ‘different’.

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