Hi everybody and my sympathies go towards all who suffer PMR more severely than I do.
I am an 89 year old male. When I first developed PMR some years ago, one of the major symptoms was that I had no strength in my legs. There was no great pain but using the stairs was very difficult. My GP diagnosed PMR and 10mg daily resolved my problems within about 3 months.
A couple of months ago, my wife suddenly developed the same problem. Once again, the GP diagnosed PMR and prescribed Preds. She made immediate progress in the same way as I did and I expect that she will be starting to taper her dosage shortly. I have also heard of 2 or 3 other elderly people who have had great relief from Preds
When I discovered this (wonderful) site, I was astonished to read of the severe effects that this illness can cause. Most correspondents on here seem to be on very high doses and to be suffering greatly. Neither my wife nor I has suffered any adverse effects from taking Preds - or from cutting them out. To us, Preds are marvellous which seems to be the opposing view to most correspondents. Are we living in a fools’ paradise?
Statistics indicate that 1 in 1200 of the population develop the condition every year which is about 50,000 in the UK! I realise, of course, that it is only the people who are more greatly affected by a disorder who will take the trouble to find a helpful source of information such as this website. However if, say, 10,000 visit this website, that leaves 40,000 who may not be suffering so badly!
To get to the point of this letter, what I am wondering is whether my wife and I are really suffering/suffered from PMR or is it possible that we do NOT have PMR but have merely had some of the more minor symptoms. Not that it matters what name is used to describe our symptoms but if there is a form of PMR-lite, it may be helpful to anyone diagnosed with PMR to know that it is probably PMR-lite which they have rather than the more serious form.
I shall be very interested to hear the opinions of the many people on this website who know a lot more about the disorder than I do.