Hello everyone. I took the plunge and went ahead with having my root canal tooth extracted yesterday. So far, no dry socket!! Interesting to discover, there was a pocket of infection in there as my dentist removed it, which confirms the fact I knew something was wrong with it after I'd had the root canal. Now, whether this means this was the cause of my PMR, (see an earlier post of mine re: root canal link to chronic illness) who knows? What will be interesting now is to see what my recovery from this illness will be like now the offending tooth is out.
Tooth out! : Hello everyone. I took the plunge and... - PMRGCAuk
Tooth out!

Sounds all positive so far. I had a massive abcess on a tooth that was part of a removed bridge. For years it was wobbly, but we (dentists and me) were trying to preserve it. After the massive abcess it practically fell out. It bent sideways as i chewed, i pulled it and it came out. Omg the relief. It must have been tweaking at the nerve for years. Some of the face pain i had on that side went and i just felt better. I don't know if it contributed to PMR but i think it was just niggling the nerve all that time. Tbe tooth came out last year and i cant say i have noticed any general difference re PMR but glad it's out, despite the gap!
Hope yours continues to heal nicely. 😁

Thank you Poopadoop.
You have got me thinking now lonsdalelass! Front tooth keeps getting infected .... saw dentist this morning (antibiotics toclear infection) agreed to have root canal and tooth capped. Cant wear dentures...not sure rootcanal filling would stop repeated infection though. Might just brave it and go toothless😩

Ah well - now that would be nice - I had a root canal done a couple of weeks ago - with bacteria in it!
Hope it's all OK and not causing any problems.
I don't answer questions like that!!!!! But the crown - which will last forever - is a very good job!!!!!
It wasn't meant as a question, just a sentiment wishing you well.
I know - just saying why I wasn't admitting it was a reasonable job thus far ... Haven't had the bill yet!!!!!!!
OK, fingers crossed all the way for you. A lot of people do have them done and have no problems. I had a small one done years ago and it's never ever caused me problems. And I mean, it was over thirty years ago!
Oh I know - have never heard much good about root canals! There must be good ones - or they wouldn't get away with doing them!!
Ooo....don’t say it! I had work done on mine the day before yesterday (Part 1). Part 2 early June to have a post fitted.😳 I am so squeamish, so ask few questions- not that I would understand the answers! I had an abscess on my gum above a bridge. So achy in the chair for an hour and a quarter, and keeping my mouth wide open for so long! I get claustrophobic too. Felt exhausted yesterday, but didn’t need painkillers.
I had root canal work done a few years ago too, in the same area. I think there can be problems with bridges. Incidentally, I don’t take bisphosphonates, and wonder if the work would have been undertaken had I done so?
Bill for treatment Part 1- £445!
Maybe not. That's some hefty bill, and part two to come! I know what you mean, I too am squeamish and a real wuss at the dentists. I will have made three visits at the end of this month, and that's providing this socket doesn't play up or it could be more! I'm still being really careful, stifling sneezes and eating on other side, but already fed up of soft food! Yesterday, I made veg soup for my granddaughter who is nearly two years old, but pureed mine not hers! Was chuckling to myself how tables can be turned!!!
I had a root canal on a molar, and eventually it had to come out as it was found to have a crack in it and a low grade infection. I also fell some years ago when I was out for a walk, and twisted one upper front tooth completely out of line and chipped another, The twisted one was put back in place and after the tissue healed a root canal performed, and after all these years, must be at least twenty now, so far so good.
Ouch! Were you trying to take a bite out of the pavement! That sounds so painful.

I did get a mouthful of asphalt! There was some irregularity in the roadbed as I stepped off the curb to cross at an intersection, and my toe kind of caught so my foot didn't take the step it was supposed to, and I lost my balance and stupidly thought I shouldn't put my hands out to break my fall - so my face did instead! Scrambled to my feet and realized my glasses were missing so I stood in the street so cars would stop (they did) until my glasses were found. One lens was completely scratched and ruined, so I guess it protected that eye, so it could have been much worse. A man drove me home (not far away) and made sure there was someone else at home before he left and my son called the dentist who came into town right away (it was evening) and put my tooth back into place as I couldn't even close my mouth! It was quite traumatic. For a while after that whenever I closed my eyes, say when going to sleep, I'd see the pavement rushing up to meet my face again!
Thats sounds awful. I am not surprised you saw it when your eyes closed and drifting off to sleep. I am also surprised you didn't break something else on your face. 😱

I don't really remember but I think I was quite bruised and a bit embarrassed at work. It probably helped that I fell onto asphalt and not concrete! And in those days I healed much more quickly than I would now. 🤪
I have to remember to eat on the other side as well. I have been using a normal toothbrush too, and being very tentative around the area. Dentist said it was ok to use my electric toothbrush, but daren’t at the moment as I would forget, and it would probably churn up the gum.(Shouldn’t have said that- it makes me go funny!)
It is expensive, but I went privately because of previous poor experiences with an NHS dentist. I couldn’t get one after that at the time, and my current one had good recommendations. I have a small insurance, but it doesn’t cover much. Have to switch off from what I could have spent with the money!
I'm sure it's money well spent. I also have gone to a private dentist from an NHS one, just didn't feel I was getting the best treatment. I've had three or four visits so far and have to say it has been so much better, they took their time and ensured all was covered before me leaving, whereas I always felt rushed before. Just my experience of course, I'm sure others have good NHS treatment. My OH is still with the NHS, as is my daughter, and they are both happy. You can only speak for yourself. I know I am happier going privately even though it costs more.
I had a guy in Durham who turned private only and I wasn't prepared to pay his prices for 2 checks and then only 10% off the bill. So I called the CCG who sent me to a group in one of the roughest necks of the woods about 12 miles away. They partnered with the Newcastle dental hospital and knew they'd have no patients without NHS so they would have to move! They were superb - made the other guy look 3rd rate and very very expensive. I told them, if anything was better done privately I'd happily pay but they never took advantage and I got dental school standard work all the way.
My wisdom tooth extraction (not abscessed), a couple of weeks ago,...was uncomplicated and healed promptly . I am currently on 7 mg pred, with no healing or bleeding problem.
I did have a headache for a week, post surgery. My body doesnt like trauma, and dental surgery is in that category. Headache finally ended.
Good luck with your tooth issue, Jerri
Thanks Jerri, so far I'm not doing badly, the main thing is that I avoid getting a dry socket. I had one of those three years ago, and it hurt, a lot!! But I think this socket must be healing OK as I'm not having that same pain. Still sore and tender though. Am on 8mg at mo and won't reduce until end of the week. Dr suggested I simply carried on reducing prior to extraction but I haven't done so, and glad I haven't. I've been knackered since!
Dry socket is serious discomfort. Good you are avoiding. I bumped my pred up the day before oral surgery, then resumed 7.5 mg regular dose. Just holding my level for a bit while I finish up the last of a flare. Another two weeks or so...then I can attempt another taper step ( .5 mg).
I have a great Dentist, he gave me a root canal last year which failed and I ended up having the tooth out.
He investigated this, as he was concerned as to the reason it failed and it appears that those suffering auto immune and similar conditions often find root canals fail and are compromised.
On xray he has found I have another tooth (a back one) that needs a root canal, but I have opted for removal.
I am hopeful it will be all unremarkable and heal well, the other one did and had been infectected for several months - currently this one is painless.
Good luck