PMRGCAuk Members' Day & AGM - PHOTOS! - PMRGCAuk


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PMRGCAuk Members' Day & AGM - PHOTOS!

109 Replies

I promised photos... I did not promise "good" photos! Here's hoping the link works for everyone; I'm sure you'll let me know if it doesn't!

(Here we are at Fortnum & Manson's before the event! Right to left: Bamber 99 aka Sue, Mary63 aka Mary, Telian aka Terri, SheffieldJane aka Jane, Norma aka Norma (Telian's lovely sister) and Mamici1 aka Melissa)

109 Replies
Hollyseden profile image

Great photos. What s clever girl you are!

in reply toHollyseden

OH GREAT! The link worked!!!! Thank you!!!! xxxxx

Hollyseden profile image
Hollyseden in reply to


in reply toHollyseden


Rimmy profile image

Fab pics - great to see you all !! Looks like it was a fantastic opportunity for lots of people to catch up - many of us were also there 'in spirit' - and well maybe next year ... Thanks for the photos Melissa - there was no mistaking YOU !!!


in reply toRimmy

Ohhhh Rimmy I did miss you being there! It would have been wonderful!

Conundrum profile image

Thank you Melissa, how lovely to see you all. I am still disappointed I could not go, I am sure the speakers and their talks were interesting but have it in the diary 📆for next year when I hope I will have tapered a bit and be in less of a fog.

in reply toConundrum

We so missed you Lesley! Such a shame.

Brilliant Melissa. Super pictures. Thanks. Now I know you're certainly not robots!! Have a chill day everyone you must feel knackered.ATB

CT-5012 profile image

Many thanks for the photos, looks like you all had a great time. 😁

in reply toCT-5012

We missed you too Dorothy!!!!! Bummer!

CT-5012 profile image
CT-5012 in reply to

Yup, but it is what it is, maybe next year.😁

scats profile image

Wonderful, looks like you're having fun! Congrats to all who made it.

Maisie1958 profile image

Great photos and lovely to see you all enjoying your day x

Pipalina profile image

Sorry, not to have been able to make it to the meeting but it looks like you all enjoyed getting together - lovely photos of you all, Melissa x

in reply toPipalina

Yes, I thought I remembered you saying you were going Pipalina!!!!! Bummer.

Pongo13 profile image

Happy pics - looks like fun time had by all x

markbenjamin57 profile image
markbenjamin57 in reply toPongo13

Yep, it really was :-)

Primarose profile image

Lovely pics mamic1, it looked like you all behaved yourselves impeccably. I said it looked like!!! Pat on back for vous!!;-)

markbenjamin57 profile image
markbenjamin57 in reply toPrimarose

You should have seen them all larking around in between the pics - I nearly had to call Security... :-D

Primarose profile image
Primarose in reply tomarkbenjamin57

I *am* surprised they all looked so sweet and innocent.;-)

markbenjamin57 profile image
markbenjamin57 in reply toPrimarose

the naughty ones always do... ;-) :-D

in reply toPrimarose

WE ARE SWEET AND INNOCENT!!!!!! ...he was the instigator!

Primarose profile image
Primarose in reply to

I did wonder, putting all the blame on you, it's not cricket is it!;-)

Primarose profile image

Love Tedski with his dear little paws, both left and right ones!;-) I hope you all looked after him.

Telian profile image

Lovely photos, now you've revealed Tedski I can put mine on with MB, he implied threatening behaviour if I did!!!! x

Primarose profile image
Primarose in reply toTelian

Yes please, I adore teddies, I collect them.

markbenjamin57 profile image
markbenjamin57 in reply toPrimarose

You wouldn't want Tedski Primarose - he's trouble with a capital 'T'.. :-D

Primarose profile image
Primarose in reply tomarkbenjamin57

My Lord Cecil will sort him out he has his trusty cricket bat!;-) Any nonsense and bash!!

markbenjamin57 profile image
markbenjamin57 in reply toPrimarose

ohhhh.. :-(

in reply tomarkbenjamin57

Like his best friend.

markbenjamin57 profile image
markbenjamin57 in reply toTelian

I agree Terri. Lovely to meet You Lot and have some fun along the way. Saturday was a very special day for me too, after being unable to make it to the AGM last year due to DF (Deathly Fatigue) and the Flu.

Ok: you have my express consent to post the pic of Tedski and me wherever you like, no threats or conditions attached (well, only that I get a copy for the archives..) ;-)

MB x

Sandy1947 profile image

Thanks for making it real!

linda49 profile image

Well done Melissa ( and to all of you who made the great trip to London yesterday…) It’s great to put some names to faces. I so wish I could have been there in person instead of just in spirit. Did you really post the photos at 3 something in the morning? x

in reply tolinda49

YES! I was totally knackered by 10:00, but wide awake from 2:00am to 5:00 ! I haven't done that in a long time! Must have been all the excitement and adrenaline!!!!

Brilliant Melissa & The Gang! Good to see you all! I’m chilling in France, a bit of R&R

Look forward to read about everyone’s adventures! xx

in reply to

ENJOY France! I'll be there Sat! xxx

Jemsea profile image

Wanted to leave a 'Like' but for some reason some posts will only come up 'unlike', and I unlike not. Great photos. Sure I recognised some of you!!! Well done Melissa!

in reply toJemsea

Have this "Like/Unlike" laptop glitch myself Jemsea. No consistency with it!

scats profile image
scats in reply to

I get that too, I don't like it but I think it's giving you the opportunity to 'unlike' should you change your mind.

in reply toscats

Ha! Don't think it's much use if you can't "Like" in the 1st place scats! Seems to happen a lot lately. Just a small gripe while waiting for the sun to come out here so I can have stroll round the park.

scats profile image
scats in reply to

Enjoy, no sun here yet.

in reply toscats

Changed my mind. It's a walk up the cut. On my way suns out.

Telian profile image
Telian in reply to

I always thought it ‘unliked’ your own ‘like’- a reminder you have already ‘liked’ if you get me....

in reply toTelian

Ah! so the problem is on the "Posting" "Like" being different to "Like" on the reply!! Seems that way! Well done you getting there.ATB

Telian profile image
Telian in reply to

U got it! You okay?

in reply toTelian

Must not be the sharpest tool in the box T. Always catching up! Mate!

Telian profile image
Telian in reply to

What does it matter.......don't beat yourself up Matey!

Longtimer profile image
Longtimer in reply to

It has been happening to me too for several weeks....most annoying!

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply toJemsea

You can leave a ‘like’. Once you’ve hit icon it changes to ‘unlike’ - which tells you it’s been accepted, and if you’ve done it in error you can reverse action by tapping icon again.

Not particularly user friendly, but it does work.

Mary63 profile image

Photo link works perfectly for me. The lady in pink whose name eluded you was Sue (aka Suet)

in reply toMary63

Ahhhhhhhhhh THANK YOU!!!!!!

Rose54 profile image

Great photos

Wish I had been able to attend

in reply toRose54

WE do too!

teesher profile image

Great photos. I recognise you Melissa with the snazzy red tights and bag. Is that Sheffield Jane next to you? Please name the other lovely girls.

in reply toteesher

Hi teesher, I have revised the above post to include names ! xxx

Jo1947 profile image

Melissa what a great photograph, hi to everyone else there, please name them😬 I will be there next year whatever! But I would love to come down from the midlands to a get together in London before then if anyone is interested, everyone looked so friendly. Hope the meeting was interesting,

in reply toJo1947

Jo1957, I have revised the above post to include names.

There are a few of us thinking about going to the next London Meet Up.... are you interested?

Jo1947 profile image
Jo1947 in reply to

Melissa, you’ve knocked 10 years off me, great🥂 I will absolutely be there, anyone know the date yet? I was hoping we could have an informal meet up before then😬 lovely to see the names and faces of members👍🏻

in reply toJo1947

SUPER!!!!! Don't know the date, but will give you a shout when we hear!

Mary63 profile image

Teesher...Yes it’s Sheffield Jane in the photo ‘Jane moving out of the frame’

And Jo1947, FYI Melissa and I are aiming to go to the next London meet.

markbenjamin57 profile image

Great photos Melissa, thanks. Lovely to meet You Lot and a super day all round! :-)

in reply tomarkbenjamin57

Job a "Good Un" Mark. Well done mate. Crate of red should on your way! ATB

Louisepenygraig profile image

Lovely photos. How nice to see everyone

Rugger profile image

Lovely to see you all so happy and smiling! Have we got the date of next year's day so we can book it into our diaries right now?

in reply toRugger

I have not heard one... ?

SheffieldJane profile image

I get the prize for the best moon face and sweaty head. Denial was much more comfortable. We kept taking Pred head detours - glad it wasn’t just me.

Oh stop... look at us! We all have that same look!!!!! YOU were the best part of my whole day! xxxxx

MartiFL profile image

I woke up at 2:30 this morning and the first thing I did was reach for my phone to see if any pictures had been posted.

They’re fabulous!!

You all “look well” ( wink wink )! But I really mean it. And not a wrinkle in sight.

Thanks for posting, Melissa. And btw, I’ve always been a huge fan of red glasses and lipstick. So great to put faces with names.

Thanks a million.

in reply toMartiFL

Your need for photos must have woken me up!!!!! I was up from 2-5!!!! Yes, I too love RED LIPPY and red glasses! You are most welcome!

Grants148 profile image

Oh Thankyou mamici,it is great to see you all,so pleased you enjoyed it ,l would have loved to be there myself.

in reply toGrants148

Wish you were there too!!!

Grants148 profile image

Thankyou mamici,it is great to see you all,l am pleased you had a lovely time,l would have loved to be there myself.

Grants148 profile image

Sorry about the repeated message,my l pad was ‘ playing up ‘

Could be a good reason to go across the pond for the next one.

in reply to


Constance13 profile image

Just uploaded the photos - thank you Melissa. Lovely to put faces to names now. I always try to have an idea what people look like when I read their posts. I wish more would put photos of themselves on their profiles. For one, Melissa, I always imagined you would look like your Mamic picture.

Mikb profile image

Thank you Melissa for posting the photos. Good for you all for being able to make it there and you all look fabulous! Sheffield Jane you look every bit as lovely as your posts always sound! And I'm not sure who looks like more trouble - Mark or Tedski....I'm thinking Mark. Melissa you look just like I thought you would, red tights befit your personality.

in reply toMikb

SheffieldJane is as lovely as she looks!!!! Yup, red tights fits my personally perfectly!!!!

Sandradsn profile image

Great photos, hope you all had a good day,So wish I'd been there!🙂

in reply toSandradsn

Me to!

stellafmdm profile image

Lovely photos Melissa, sorry not to be there, perhaps next year.....

For sure!

enan-illuc profile image


Thank you for posting the picture! Melissa rules!


in reply toenan-illuc

Wow! Cheers!

Purplecrow profile image

Thank you for the gorgeous photo! 💜

in reply toPurplecrow

My pleasure

Purplecrow profile image

Hey, lovely photos!! Strangest thing...ya'all dont look sick🤣🤣🤣

in reply toPurplecrow

Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha! PERFECT!!!!!!

Purplecrow profile image
Purplecrow in reply to


karools16 profile image

Oh Very well done, Melissa! Thanks for photos. You all sound as though it was a fab day and meeting. x

Awe , thanks. It was a fab day indeed. You should have been there!!!!

GOOD_GRIEF profile image

You all look way too happy for that to be the effect of just coffee!


in reply toGOOD_GRIEF

Mary63 did plunk her box of Pred down on the table... we might have been dipping into that!

GOOD_GRIEF profile image
GOOD_GRIEF in reply to

I do not believe none of you brought a flask....

in reply toGOOD_GRIEF

...or did I just not take any photos of the flask?

GOOD_GRIEF profile image
GOOD_GRIEF in reply to

I know it was in that red bag you carried.

PS: No wonder you're always tired. Put that thing down and get something smaller. Jeezallo all you needs are keys, lipstick, comb, credit card, preds, a few pounds and a flask. That thing's big enough to go away for the weekend!

morrison profile image

OMG. I am crying just to see all of you and so annoyed I just couldnt summon up the energy to join you. You all look wonderful and I so want to meet you all soon I look forward to meeting all of you and still upset I could not. Thats my rant for the night.Hope you all got home safely and were ok today. Much Love to all that attended Janette xxx.

in reply tomorrison

Ooooooo, next time! For sure!

allykat profile image

Loved your photos! Wish I could have been there.

in reply toallykat

WE do to!

Valnvaughan profile image

Great photos, Melissa! Well done. Brings the relief( after travel) and joy of the occasion to life. Lovely smiles all round, and I have one too as I view them.


Jackoh profile image

Great photos Melissa- how wonderful you all look- must have been great to all get together and put a face to a name! Would have loved to come but didn't feel up to it this year and in the event landed up in hospital that day too - long story of eye sight appearing to fade!! ( now confirmed as cataracts the extent of which not picked up by optician) So would have had to cancel anyway but hopefully can make another time. Love the tights!!!

in reply toJackoh

Noooooooooo! Not the hospital! Damn cataracts! So what's the plan? Surgery?

Thanks.. yes it was a Red Tights Day! 😄

Jackoh profile image

will post something up as lesson to be learnt- certainly for me!!

in reply toJackoh

Ohhhhhh, bummer! I'm so sorry you had yo go through that!!!

in reply toJackoh


Sorry to hear this! Optician missed it? Not Good? Will look for your post xxx

jannie21 profile image

Brilliant photos, glad you all had a great time. Best wishes Jannie.

in reply tojannie21


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