New and confused 85 yr old retired female. Very fit until sudden onset of PMR 3 years
ago. immediate relief from pain distress and tiredness with moderate dose of steroids. After a few weeks worrying symptoms of GCA but nothing showing in bloods. I was convinced that my impaired vision, headaches, sore jaw indicated GCA but rhumatologist prescribed visit to optician and paracetamol for tension headaches! New specs and painkillers not having desired relief.
3 years later am still struggling on steroids...dose7 prednosilone......still problems with
failing eyesight, headaches, sore jaw. After eventually asking for biopsy informed that "probable incident of GCA in past" but now quiet ....
.probably contaminated by long period of steroids. Being advised to get steroids down but unhappy with consequences when I try to reduce...get very weak and tired ,sore head and eyes. Still nothing showing in bloods.
Anyone with similar experience? Any advice?
Sincerely Charlie444
. 3 years later am still struggling with eyesight and after insisting on biopsy was told "probable incident of GCA but now quiet" .....trouble is that results now contaminated by 3 years of taking prednosilone . Dosage now 7 Being advised to cut down steroids but still have bad symptoms of tiredness,poor balance, poor
Eyesight,persistent headaches (not migraine) sore jaw. ...feeling fed up!!