I have gotten to 10 mgs. At my last crp last month I was 14. My doctor has looked at my record and 13-14 seems to be my normal. But my last CRP is 24 last Friday.
Ok my symptoms are doable I took 12.5 mgs on Monday due to my left leg from hip to ankle was immobilizing me. It worked and the next day I went back to the 10 mgs.
I have no GCA symptoms at present Ihave a slight nummy sensation over my right temporal area. Otherwise all is ok. My ankles hurt when I walk guess I shouldn’t walk. Ok getting goofy ...
Now I have a gallbladder full of stone and an abdominal hernia so we figure that is why I stay at 14. We my doc and me go by symptoms and like I said they are doable.
Ok my rant is over. Still weary about all of this.