Have had GCA for 9 years. 4 relapses, first at 1mg Pred, others between 7-10, although I believe one or all of them, may have been false ESR/CRP results due to other inflammatory conditions, and not GCA. But in any event, in all cases, both ESR/CRP readings were well above 'normal'. I reduced from 7.5mg to 6.8mg 2 weeks ago, having been about 3 months on former dose. Since the 'false' readings, I have tended to 'self diagnose', believing that if the GCA were to become active again, I would have pre-diagnosis symptoms of continuous dull headache, and itchy scalp. I have had a headache, but, during the pandemic, this has not been unusual for me. No itchy scalp, or other symptoms. I have lived in Brasil for past 6 years, and previously attended Bristol Eye Infirmary when in UK. Now to the matter at hand. I had marker test last week, and my CRP was 0.25mg/dL ( 2.5mg/L which I believe is what is quoted in UK), and ESR was 51mm for 1 hr. The CRP is good. However, the ESR not so. My Consultant in UK said that ESR should normally be below half ones age. I'm 74, so 51 is not good. I have no bone loss, and have my 'renals' checked regularly. I examine my temporal arteries daily for any signs of enlargement. I am reluctant to increase pred, again.
Any thought out there would be much appreciated.
Apols. for length of post.