Is Invite E. Mail Genuine From Vesa. At HealthUn... - PMRGCAuk


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Is Invite E. Mail Genuine From Vesa. At HealthUnlocked?

25 Replies

Have received an e-mail from Vesa from HealthUnlocked which has gone into Spam! It's inviting me to take part in an annual user survey. Have had some problems recently with some very genuine looking spams! Is this genuine?

25 Replies
DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer


Yes Vesa is a genuine HU person! Probably gone into spam because it’s from her and not the usual notifications email address.

in reply to DorsetLady

Thanks. Some clever copy comes through now days. Only one click away we are!

scats profile image

I had one and deleted it. I know about this forum but not healthunlocked in general. Thaught any praise from what happens here might rub off undeseservedly.

Thought I'd leave it to those who know.

in reply to scats

We never really know where all this cyber stuff ends up do we? In the days of speech & writing most of us were a lot more careful! We have no control whatsoever over traded information or hackers. I'm certainly in the dark about the dark web!!

scats profile image
scats in reply to

I think I'm glad you don't know about the dark web there's some very dodgy stuff there. It's worrying because it's so easy to con on the web. For example I'm a young athletic blond who likes to hang out with old people!

in reply to scats

Not sure whether that's a con! Depends on the motive! May be just a fantasy! Have similar ones myself!!! These older people..... they're the ones who don't have their head buried in a small square object while walking a dog through a glorious wood! Most even have the power of speech!!

scats profile image
scats in reply to

That of course is the attraction. That or the begonias!

HeronNS profile image
HeronNS in reply to scats

Doesn't need to be internet fraud. My stepmother was defrauded of hundreds of thousands of $$$ through telephone contact.

scats profile image
scats in reply to HeronNS

That must be really distressing was there no come back?

It's a great shame but I tend to be suspicious of everything these days. Everything has to be checked. There are so many cleaver people using their talents to decieve

HeronNS profile image
HeronNS in reply to scats

Long story, I talked to everyone I could think of, including lawyers, FBI, RCMP, local police both here and where she lived (in US, we in Canada), ombudsman, you name it. She kept passing cognitive tests with flying colours although I knew she was often lying through her teeth. It was a few years later that I realized no one, none of those people who should have thought of it, said the words: elder abuse. I assume someone saw the obituary of her husband's death in the paper and saw she was probably well off (she was indeed, much wealthier than when my father had died years before) and guess what, they struck the motherlode. When I hear of people being scammed out of $2000 or even $20,000 I just think, I wish! Eventually we had to tell the people in the assisted living residence where she was by then that when her money ran out we couldn't afford to take on the expense, lest they mistakenly think the whole family was well off! But she passed away before things came to that - probably within just a few months though.

in reply to HeronNS

Must have been a nightmare for you Heron.

HeronNS profile image
HeronNS in reply to

I was awful. Even when she was on dialysis three times a week people were still phoning her with more reasons for her to send them money. Not that she could do that any more as she couldn't get to the bank by herself and obviously by then no one was going to take her. But it's water long under the bridge now.

scats profile image
scats in reply to HeronNS

Wow what a tale I'm so sorry you had to go through all that.

My mother could lie herself through cognitative tests too, they can be very convincing. She even convinced herself in her mind she was still middle aged and capable, wouldn't let us help. We had to watch her without letting her know and then magically appear just before before things went wrong. Luckily Dad left me in charge of her money, she never had access to more than £50 which she thaught was a huge amount.

As we've been saying, don't trust anyone. How sad.

SheffieldJane profile image

Crikey! I hope so! I filled it out. 😳

in reply to SheffieldJane

I am just about to Jane after endorsement from DL.

She’s definitely a real person, l had a reply from her yesterday on a query! Always best to double check though! 👩🏻‍💻

in reply to

That's good. I've had friends stranded God knows where asking me send them £500 quid to get home! Mysterious relatives leaving me money but I have to pay to unlock it from the legal process! Usually there's some error that can be spotted apart from the b--obvious. Official sites & logos are copied so well! Mustn't get too paranoid though! Good consultant experience for yourself then yesterday. Much better than a bad one!

in reply to

Hi, yes we’re all a little cynical these days but it’s good to be aware. My husband got hacked recently & we watched it anchor on to all his contacts through messenger! He was devastated, being an IT Man before he Retired but l sorted it & was really proud of myself; my Son also an IT Guy taught me well!

Hope you’re doing OK?

in reply to

Hi. We can to some degree protect our end of the internet but anyone the other end can be hacked! Even the biggies!! And they hate owning up to it! Different world MrsN! Well done for the sorting.

PMRpro profile image

For those who did it - was it worth the effort? I deleted it...

in reply to PMRpro

Usual self serving questions! A barrister does the same! Is it A or is it B! Nothing in the middle!

AndrewT profile image

Dear Pepperdoggie,

I'm not Too sure, about this, and since it landed in your 'Bin' treat it with 'Suspicion'. Contact The Administrators, or John & Sue -Jann has left now- If it IS genuine then do, by all means, pursue this. Strange that it 'landed' in your Bin though?????

Have a Great Christmas Pepperdoggie- what a great Name, how did you come by it?


in reply to AndrewT

Hi Andrew. A constant battle sorting out the genuine from the the scams online now!

More & more defences being put up to prevent fraud! Now it's close to defeating the idea of internet convenience!!

Maybe it will be back to the shops with real money soon eh!!!

Pepper was our Jack Russell. (photo on latest post) Many adventures! "Last of the Summer Wine" we were!!

Have a great Christmas yourself Andrew. ATB

AndrewT profile image

Dear Pepperdoggie,

I didn't see, the picture, of Pepper but I know that you, must have, Loved her. I read a story, I can't remember where now- it concerned a girl abroad, on one of the Islands I believe. She was walking, a little 'Off', the normal Tourist Route- maybe curious about the Culture. She was suddenly confronted, by a group of men, who were Clearly Not offering her 'Friendship'. Out of Nowhere a dog appeared and began Barking, like crazy, putting herself between the girl and the, would be attackers- who actually ran off. The animal then followed her back to her Hotel and, for the rest of her holiday, they were firm friends. Even when she left, for the Airport, this dog followed.

On arriving home, to the UK, she kept thinking about her 'Saviour' dog. After a while she returned, to the Island, determined to find the animal which she quickly did. To cut a long story short (well 'shorter' anyway) she ended up Adopting her, named her 'Pepper' and the rest is- as They say- history. So your Beautiful animal was in Good Company.

As regards the Internet...NO I DON'T agree, that we will all 'go back' to Shopping on the High Street, for two reasons. One, some of us never actually ever stopped doing so, in the first place. Secondly, with Current- Up To Date- Security, and Vigilance you should be safe. Just DON'T 'Click' anything that you are not sure of, don't get 'Diverted' to Other Sites- easily done, by the way. Yes, the B--tards ARE 'out to get you', and Yes 'They' are Mean Spiteful People.....BUT you Know this and CAN Protect yourself! It IS Indeed, very sad, that you have to do so but that IS 'The Way' of the world- Unfortunately. One 'Thing' though and, I'm sure, I speak for us ALL here....We Will NOT EVER deliberately harm you and that, really is, a Promise.

Anyway enough 'Nasty Stuff', It's Christmas- The Season Of Good Will, To Fellow (Wo)Man. So NO more 'Long Faces'.....Long Trousers possibly but Faces NO! Maybe 'Silly' jokes? Heck, why not.....Why does Santa like Gardening? Because he likes to Ho, Ho, Ho....! Ok I'll let you tell, the Next one- I've 'Posted' two already.

I hope you have a Peaceful Christmas Pepperdoggie, I'm sending you Christ's Love.


Hi Andrew. I think the EU are bringing in another layer of protection to prevent fraud by 2020. A text confirmation will be required for purchases over a certain amount! More or less a PayPal!

At the end of all this Brexit shenanigans we'll be back to bartering I reckon!!

Peaceful Christmas to you too Andrew. ATB

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