For the last 4 days i have not received any Health Unlocked email posts..This has followed filling in an annual survey from Chris? I have never received an annual update to complete before and am now worried whether this last email was a genuine Health Unlocked post as it had a lot of my personal details on. I would be grateful if some one could look into this and reinstate my daily emails please.
EL 50 : For the last 4 days i have not received... - PMRGCAuk
EL 50

Hi 150,
Have you reported this through the Contact Support section, See Help in banner above.
It certainly sounds a bit odd. I've been on here for over 4 years and never been asked for an annual update.
Assuming you get to see this! Please let us know outcome
Dorset Lady, is there a way we can report this on EL 50's behalf? It seems awfully suspicious, especially as we don't supply many personal details when signing up in the first place.
Hi HeronNS,
Not sure, but I would hope that one of the administrators could do that - think polkadotcom may be one.
I did think after I'd posted a reply to El 50 it was probably a waste of time as he/she isn't getting emails, but just sent it on the offchance something might get through.
Not sure what else to do - hopefully someone behind the scenes reads it, and can take some action.
It is a bit worrying if the site has been hacked in any way.
Hi again,
Have sent PM to 2 administrators to see if they can help.

YOu can report any post - there is a box with a downward pointing arrow under every post or reply. Click on it and it gives you options - if it your own post of Edit, Report, Delete, if it is someone else's it is report. Usually takes a few weeks though.
Telling polkadotcom usually gets a far quicker response.
I have been a member for 4 years - never had a thing to fill in - or if I did, I treated it with my usual contempt of such trivia...
Hi I too received this survey and completed it ..silly me. I can't remember the questions but nothing raised my suspicions. Still receiving my daily updates though .
Thank you MayH.

Hi. I'm going to send you a private message. You should see an orange box to the right of your name at the top of the screen. Click on this and it will open your messages.
Hi El50,
It's Uli from HealthUnlocked. I confirm that Chris is our colleague and we are indeed sending out surveys to our users at the moment.
The issue with the email notifications does not really relate to this. It happens from time to time with our users that notifications stop working.
Please check your email inbox for my message. We can investigate this for you.
Best wishes,
For what it is worth....I stopped getting e- mails also. I could still get on the site but I was not getting notified. I thought it was because you were transitioning to a new app. Think I received the survey also. I really missed my daily update. You have all become close friends.